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Image classification using cnn [closed]

I did image classification using CNN and it successfully classified the images but How to save predicted images to separate folder for example i have two classes cat and dog after prediction how to ...
Mahesh N Kuratti's user avatar
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Print the prediction of convolutional neural network

I have designed a convolutional neural network using tensorflow which looks as follows ...
iprof0214's user avatar
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Combining 2 Neural Networks

2 images as input, x1 and x2 and try to use convolution as a similarity measure. The idea is that the learned weights substitute more traditional measure of similarity (cross correlation, NN, ...). ...
Benedict K.'s user avatar
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Reshape output of convolutional layer to which dimensions?

I have a convolutional network, taken from this github, the one in Because it was made in an outdated version of keras I am trying to rewrite this to ...
ArnJac's user avatar
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TensorFlow: trainable_variables() is empty

I want to retrieve the list of trainable variables/weights in my model (wrapped in a tf.Estimator). However, ...
Ben's user avatar
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CNN for classification giving extreme result probabilities

I'm having issues with my CNN, using Keras with Theano backend. Basically, I need to classify 340x340 grayscale images into 6 categories. The problem is my CNN gives too "hard" probabilities, for ...
Dominus's user avatar
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