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Number of stop words variation in libaries sklearn and nltk

Is there a reason why there is a big variation in the number of stop words? I assumed that there would be a general agreement from English experts how many stop words there could be. And even with ...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to map words to their synonyms in tfidf?

I have the following code: ...
james pow's user avatar
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Where does spacy, nltk, prodigy, sklearn fit in the AI project?

Where does tools like spacy, sklearn, prodigy, nltk fit in the below AI project architecture and what are some common alternatives to these:
variable's user avatar
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Text PreProcessing not improving accuracy

I was wondering if TfidfVectorizer() from scikit-learn and its methods fit_transform/transform already do language preprocessing like lowercase/lemmatization/removing punctuation. I am using Imdbs ...
user3645925's user avatar
1 vote
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sentiment analysis nltk python

I'd like to perform sentiment analysis on stock comment using scikit and nltk. I already have about 100 comments on different stocks like "this stock will rock" which I marked as positive (1) or "this ...
nikitok56's user avatar
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How to select features for clustering to detect the number of different unique products in a search result?

I am trying to use clustering to determine the number of products in a search of products. So far I am using kmeans clustering. I have run into a problem where I cannot determine good features to use. ...
Gorlan's user avatar
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Combining Machine Learning classifier with NLTK Vader for Sentiment Analysis

As a part of my university project, I am researching/developing a sentiment analysis model wherein I am trying to combine NLTK Vader (SentimentIntensityAnalyzer) results with a Machine Learning ...
Chetan's user avatar
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5 votes
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NLTK Sklearn Genism Text to Topic

I aint no data scientist/machine learner. What Im Lookin for ...
MotherOfDataScience's user avatar
-3 votes
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I need to measure Performance : AUC for this code of NLTK and skLearn [closed]

The code below measures precision and recall and F-measure (source). How can I measure AUC? ...
FADY R S AL KHATEEB's user avatar
3 votes
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Document Categorization Problem

I'm very new to data science in general, and have been tasked with a big challenge. My organization has a lot of documents that are all sorted on document type (not binary format, but a subjectively ...
tadamhicks's user avatar