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Questions tagged [normal-equation]

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Loss-value of normal equation vs gradient descent

My question is if gradient descent can give a better aproximation than normal equation in Python? for the Loss function, I wrote ...
Daniel Muñoz's user avatar
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Is it usual for Scikit learn's standard scaler to cause non-invertibility?

For example, I am trying to perform linear regression on the following set of data Data examples: $X = [[1, 20], [3, 40], [5, 60]]$ (each row is an example, there are three examples, each with a ...
Norman's user avatar
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Normal equation for linear regression is illogical

Currently I'm taking Andrew Ng's course. He gives a following formula to find solution for linear regression analytically: $θ = (X^T * X)^{-1} * X^T * у$ He doesn't explain it so I searched for it and ...
Martian's user avatar
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Gradient Descent or Normal Equation?

Suppose you have a dataset with m = 50 examples and n = 15 features for each example. You want to use multivariate linear regression to fit the parameters theta to our data. Should you prefer gradient ...
Rahman Turtle's user avatar
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What is the differences between normal equation and gradient descent for polynomial regression

I'm new to machine learning and willing to study and work with machine learning. It just that I still don't get to understand the benefits of using the normal equation in some occasion in comparison ...
aarnphm's user avatar
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Linear Regression - finding thetha using Normal equation

This is to find thetha which will give minimum cost function. Why is the x0 column required? why cant we assign size as x0? why do we need the feature count to be n+1?
MrRobot9's user avatar
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How does "linear algebraic" weight training function work?

This answer shows that linear and polynomial function weights can be trained using this matrix operation: $w = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty$ Therefore, algorithms such as gradient descent are not necessary for ...
ShellRox's user avatar
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Why adding combinations of features would increase performance of linear SVM?

I have a dataset of ~5000 elements represented by vectors composed by ~30 binary values (0 or 1) on which I am performing binary classification with SVM with linear kernel (I use the Scikit learn lib)...
Holaf's user avatar
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Polynomial regression vs. multilayer perceptron [closed]

Polynomial regression and multilayer perceptrons have different structures and different learning procedures. What are these two algorithms pros and cons? Are there some situations where one should ...
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