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Use for questions about Orange, the free, open-source, component-based, data mining and machine learning software suite.

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Image grid - labels?

I was wondering if labels could be visualized below images in the image grid tool in Image Analytics? I know, this feature might be not terribly useful for images in general, hence unlikely to be ...
Sal9K's user avatar
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In Orange Data Mining, how do I use results from clustering a training-set to test and score a test-set?

I am performing analysis on the well-known 'Adult' data-set, available on UCI using Orange Data Mining. In a PhD thesis, Pelleg (2004; pg 79) uses unsupervised clustering of the prescribed training ...
Paul Higgins's user avatar
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Difference between DataSampler and TestAndScore widgets in Orange

I'm trying to figure out the difference between using the data sampler to get a 70/30 train/test split and directly using the ...
Cranialsurge's user avatar
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What type of 'Naive Bayes' algorithm is provided by Orange?

I've been using Orange for a while to rapidly prototype a few classification models. One of the ones I've been using is 'Naive Bayes'. If I understand correctly, there are a few types available based ...
Cranialsurge's user avatar
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LDA in Orange Linear Projection widget?

I'm struggling to get an LDA in Orange 3.28 (GUI). Using the good'ol iris dataset, loaded from the dataset widget: The data, as you can see, is loaded as it should and has "iris" set as ...
jfmoyen's user avatar
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Out-of-bag error in Orange

There is some way to see the out-of-bag error in Orange? The widget Test and Score only reports mean squared error, root mean square, mean absolute error, coefficient of determination and root-mean-...
kvratto's user avatar
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Cluster Hyperspectral Images in Orange

Orange has a hyperspectral dataset called "liver cirrhosis" and you can visualize the hyperspectral image using the hyperspectral image widget. However, I would like to perform various ...
Anthony Fung's user avatar
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Visualizing categorical data in scatter plot with Orange (version > 3.18)

Why in Orange versions after 3.18 is not possible to visualize categorical data in Scatter Plot widget?
Rosen Mitrev's user avatar
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How can I "export" a model from Orange once I have prototyped a solution?

Using Orange, I would like to use the underlying python model within the control system of my device. A device is a simple machine that is not connected to the internet. My intent is to use the ...
Peter's user avatar
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How does orange encode categorical values for a neural network? What function does it do and how?

How does orange encode categorical values for a neural network? What function does it do and how? I can not find it in the code.
Максим Фрейд's user avatar
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Orange3 / python script / scipy interpn

I tried to create a learner using the Orange canvas script from the Python script widget, but I have not been able to find an effective example. What I would like to do is: Create a learner based on <...
lelorrain7's user avatar
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Text Mining with Pubmed Widget Orange

When I was running the text mining I did not have an issue for 57 different searches. I was able to retrieve all of the records regardless of how many there were. Until these 2 errors popped up. I ...
Nicole D's user avatar
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coefficients from decision regression tree

I have a data on which I apply decision regression tree since it gives better numerical values as predicting house prices. I have almost 45 features in which price is the target value. With linear ...
Soner from The Ottoman Empire's user avatar
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Modify value of data in Orange

I am new to Orange and it seems very useful for conducting exploratory data analysis. One question I have is - can we use a widget to modify some values in the dataset? For example, several numerical ...
hcooh's user avatar
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Sorting in Heatmap in Orange

I am new in this community and hope to find some hints. At the moment I am a little bit confused by orange. In the documentation it is shown, that you can sort within the heat map rows or columns, but ...
Ralf Köhler's user avatar
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Orange Import and process spectra time dependent/kinetics

I would like to import FTIR spectra that have been collected over time then use Orange to preprocess these as a group. I currently have the spectra as individual SPC or CSV files. How do I import the ...
Natalie Benbow's user avatar
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Clustering with sets as values

I have gathered a large amount of qualitative data and am now looking to cluster it so as to make sense of it. For this, I am using Biolab's Orange. In my data, specific values may co-occur in a ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the mean coefficent of regression after "Test & Score" in Orange using cross-validation?

The cross-validation devides the data into n folds and measures the accuracy n times therefore. The displayed RMSE in the Test & Score tool is a mean of all n runs, I think. But is it possible to ...
PattPoo's user avatar
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Orange reading in new features from Tab-Delimited File

In my tab delimited file I have 65 features and 1 target variable that are numerical and continuous. My data is supposed to be used for regression models. There should be 65 features and 1 target ...
Chahna Patel's user avatar
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Orange "Scatter plot" widget to excel, best way

So I have chosen "Orange" for my research as a main app for clustering ant it's analysis. Excel 2016 is primary app used for dashboard (via "pivot table"). Problem - how to add graphs from "scatter ...
Eimantas J's user avatar
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Orange: Group samples by a "splitting" feature for cross-validation?

I need to split my datasets based on my own feature column in order to hold together certain data rows (e.g. from one patient, or compound) for cross-validation (CV). In Orange 3.11, Test&Score ...
Monty's user avatar
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Problem with HDI dataset

I am new to Orange3. I am trying to follow the same steps in the following article But unfortunately the HDI dataset that is ...
Sara Raad's user avatar
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Using a custom made image embedder in Orange

I trained my own Image embedder using PyTorch, and I'd like to use as an Image embedder in Orange. is there an easy way to do it? is it also possible to make it always run locally on my GPU?
shahar's user avatar
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Select rows in Orange based on column value comparison

I'm trying to remove some rows from a cardio dataset where the value for the systolic pressure (ap_hi) is below the diastolic pressure (ap_low) which to me indicates a data error. The code I would ...
Newbie Oranger's user avatar
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large dataset problem

my name is Lucas and I'm working with single cell analysis on my PhD. A few weeks ago I started using scOrange for my analysis, but I noticed that when I try to load large datasets (more than 60k ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Orange Data Mining Tool on Google Colab

Is it possible to use Orange Data Mining Tool on Google Colab?
csp1po's user avatar
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Why is Orange (CSV import or Line Series) doing some weird rounding on my data?

The data I have is in tab-separated format (exported from MetaTrader5): ...
Debug's user avatar
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Orange Import dataset which has the feature on rows and instances on the columns

How to import a flipped dataset into the Orange 3.26? By flipped dataset I mean a dataset which has the features as rows and the instances as columns. I tried to transpose the data after imported but ...
Adolfo Correa's user avatar
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Text Mining - Statistics Module Issue

I'm using Orange Canvas for a text mining study. This issue seems to appear once I migrated to more recent versions. When I am trying to use Statistics (from Text Mining) I can only use/add a limited ...
Andrei's user avatar
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With a 5000x20 CSV as data input discover the most common occurrences of numbers in a row

As input I have a CSV with 5000 lines (and growing) and 20 fixed columns containing a number from 1-80. A row may look like this. Is it possible using Orange3 to analyze each row and find out what ...
Bill's user avatar
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Layout/Drawing in Workflows or a node for a Sub-Workflow

I am creating Orange Workflows for a few days, therefore I am pretty new. I want to spread my workflows with colleagues such that they can also use them and further develop them. I am facing now the ...
Alois's user avatar
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Get "Selected variable has too many values." when using Orange Data Mining's Pivot Table widget (implying too many column values?)

I am assuming there are too many columns in the (generated) pivot table when I get the "Selected variable has too many values." when using Pivot Table widget Is there a way to increase? If ...
Doting Thomas's user avatar
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Why is a column detected as text and not as categorical when opening excel file?

I have the following values in an excel sheet Aguascalientes Baja California Baja California Sur Campeche Chiapas Chihuahua Ciudad de México Coahuila Colima Durango Estado de México Guanajuato ...
Gabriel Barrera's user avatar
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Measuring Topic-coherence score & optimal number of topics in LDA Topic Modeling in Orange data mining

I'm trying to build an Orange workflow to perform LDA topic modeling for analyzing a text corpus (.CSV dataset). Unfortunately, the LDA widget in Orange lacks for advanced settings when comparing it ...
Salah Eddin's user avatar
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I don't understand the answer on this site for installing the network option in Orange 3.28

The instructions for using Options>Settigns>Add-ons in the post below are confusing. Orange Error when installing Network Add On Is there a version of the "Network" addon that will ...
RonDespain's user avatar
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Classification with Orange error "test and train datasets have differents target variable"

m having a problem on the widget "Test and score" used for classification. Im doing a classification on images and i would like to use the widget "test and score" with the option &...
Ketchup's user avatar
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What is the optimal method to evaluate clusters further?

Supervised learning is straightforward on medical data using Orange, but unsupervised learning is more challenging. I selected a data set based on Florida County Health Ratings where individuals rated ...
Bob Hoyt's user avatar
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Removing duplicate rows in Orange

In Orange, I have a table with row duplicates. How can I simply remove the duplicated rows to keep only one copy of each? I feel like Orange is great but cannot do simple tasks. I hope I just did not ...
user1520280's user avatar
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whether to use normalization while performing PCA?

I have an excel file containing a table where I registered the frequency of three linguistic phenomena in 72 poems. Since the poems have different lengths I normalized the results dividing each value ...
Andrea 's user avatar
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Creating API For Accessing New Website

Is there a way to add a API in Orange Data Mining Tool to access a new website? An example would be can I create and add an API for CNN or MSNBC or FOXNEWS? Currently in Orange in the text mining add-...
James Messineo's user avatar
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Data table manipulations in Orange

I am having some issues doing operations on my data table in Orange. I need to split my table into two different tables, being a table containing all the instances for y = yes and a table containing ...
Emma Bartholomeeusen's user avatar
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Stratified K Fold Cross Validation in Orange: python script

I am using Orange to predict customer churn and compare different learners based on accuracy, F1, etc. As my problem is unbalanced (10% churn - 90% not churn), I want to oversample. However, when ...
Emma Bartholomeeusen's user avatar
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Orange data mining: Balancing data set using imblearn code

I am using an unbalanced dataset. I wanted to oversample my dataset using a Python script (Scripting code for class imbalance in Biolabs Orange). However, it still gives me an error ...
Emma Bartholomeeusen's user avatar
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Using if statement as a model in orange

I am seeking to evaluate logistic regression against a rule-based (nested if-else statements) classification in Orange. The steps I've taken to investigate this are as follows: I could not identify ...
Oliver_StLaurent's user avatar
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Random Forest feature selection

I am using Random Forest model for feature selection on data with bias. I have tried the Random Forest model on my features by increasing number of trees and found the feature importance moving. Could ...
Charlie Samy's user avatar
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Trying to use term document matrix as input to orange 3

I have a CSV file that has tokens as columns and documents as rows, where the rest of the cells are ints that represent term frequency. I'm trying to use this as input into Orange 3, but Orange 3 ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How can I map category values to , e.g., increasing numbers (for anonymization purposes, say) in Orange?

I have a dataset that contains data that needs to be preserved for e.g. clustering purposes, but whose concrete values do not matter. For example, order numbers or serial numbers with lots of ...
CKO's user avatar
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Suggestion for a better way to organize data to generate frequent item-sets?

I have a data of a bag of words in a document. The data has 3 columns: {document number, word number, count of the word in the number}. I am supposed to generate ...
never_mind's user avatar
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Does Orange allow you to change the decision threshold in modelling widgets?

I can't seem to find an option with the modeling widgets for Orange to allow changes in the decision thresholds. Is this option available?
lounytoon's user avatar
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How to upload SOFT files in Orange?

I have a dataset which I obtained from NCBI, but it is a SOFT file. When I upload the SOFT file to the file widget in Orange, it cannot be uploaded. Is there a way to upload SOFT files in Orange?
Dinz_N's user avatar
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