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Imbalanced performance metrics in binary classification

I am developing a binary classification model using sklearn pipeline for preprocessing and a soft voting classifier (Adaboost and Extratrees with 50 estimators). The dataset (3 million rows) contains ...
fendrbud's user avatar
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Is sensitivity the same as recall in multiclass classification?

In Wikipedia, it is stated "In binary classification, recall is called sensitivity" under the Recall section. Are they both different in case of multi-class classification?
penguin_smasher's user avatar
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Performance measurement of an event extraction system

I have developed an event extraction system from text documents. It first clusters the data corpus and extracts answers for what, when and where questions. Final answers are determined by using a ...
Nilani Algiriyage's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Finding out why your model is doing better?

I fitted a logistic regression model on a data set and got an AUC score of .70. I added some additional out-hot encoded categorical features to the model and the AUC improved slightly to .74. How do I ...
Eisen's user avatar
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How to derive false positive and false negative from top-k accuracy?

I am working on the following "equality identification" problem and become quite confused on how to reasonably define false positive and false negative in my case. Problem: Suppose I have a ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is evaluation metric for two sets? [closed]

I've two sets one is ground truth and other is output of my machine learning models. Assume my groundtruth set is A={1,2,3,4,5} and output of machine learning model is B={3,4,5,6,7,8}. One way I can ...
Shahrear Bin Amin's user avatar
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what metrics to evaluate rank order results?

I have searched on stackexchange and found a couple of topics like this and this but they are not quite relevant to my problem (or at least I don't know how to make them relevant to my problem). ...
user3768495's user avatar
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Normalized metric for comparing regression models performance

I was recently trying to explain to someone whether performance of my estimation approach is good or bad. For instance, whether a model with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 17000 is a bad solution. It ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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Performance Metric for topic extraction when there is no ground truth

I am extracting topics from text using a predefined ontology containing 2690 concepts, wordnet(to expand concept terms with their synsets, and other morphological forms of the same word) and lucene to ...
Swastik Roy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to compare performance of Cosine Similarity and Manhatten Distance?

I'm doing clustering of documents by applying k-Means on the word-vectors. To measure the cluster quality, I calculate David Bouldin Index for different k's. I tried two different distance measures, ...
dynobo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Comparing Non-deterministic Binary Classifiers

I have two classifiers which I am implementing, and they are both non-deterministic in the sense that they can each give different results (FPR and TPR) when you run them multiple times. I would like ...
cidi30bg's user avatar
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What do this Classification evaluation results mean to you? Do they are suspicious or not?

I have collected dataset with two class labels and used the SVM Method to classify the dataset, and this is the results. Does this appear suspicious or not? scikit-learn classifiers with SVM SVC ...
FADY R S AL KHATEEB's user avatar