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Visualising a count of percentage ranges across 3 time dimensions

I've got to visualise revenue x commission rates over 3 years in a single visual. I'm looking for suggestions to improve communicating the data vs the approach I've got now. I feel like the current ...
VisualMur92's user avatar
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Data tables over an interactive map?

I have the longitude/latitude points of various communities within a Country. I'm interested in having a user be able to hover over a point on the map and be able to read the available data tables on ...
hollowhills's user avatar
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Gauge issue - target value doesn't show up

I'm trying to create some visuals for a report in Power Bi, and I have this issue with a Gauge Visualization. I introduce the Total Revenues and Total Revenues (target) measures as Value and Target ...
Danasc's user avatar
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Power BI Show Multiple Datapoints on same Axis

I have a dataset that summarizes student absences grouped by School Site, Grade, Gender, Race and it is broken down into groups with total # of students that had: Absence <5%, Absence 5-10%, ...
Bijan's user avatar
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Why does PowerBI take longer to load data than PowerQuery takes to load preview?

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server and when I open PowerQuery, I can get a preview of the whole table in a minute or two. But once I click 'Apply and Close', it will take AGES to load and finally ...
PowerBIUser's user avatar
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Which visualization tool should I use?

We consider the below function : $f(x,y,z,a) = x*y*z*a$, where $x,y \in \mathbb{Q}\cap[0,1000],$ $ a\in\{2,3\} $ and $z=z(x)$, taking values from the below table based on the level-range that $x$ ...
batman's user avatar
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Help with breaking up a column in PowerBI to make a bar chart

My data set is a list of documents. I have a column in my data set - 'Independent Variable'. This column can contain nothing, i.e. 'NA', or one variable, i.e. 'var1', or multiple, i.e. 'var1;var2;var3'...
skytracker2917's user avatar
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comparing data from first quarter in two years

How can I compare data from two quarters? What software can I use to do it parallelly side by side so I can compare them. What kind of factors can I take into consideration, I'm posting a sample data ...
Pardhu's user avatar
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Interactive Data Visualisations

So I have finally gotten a hold of ggplot2 and ggvis packages and tried out shiny too to have interactive graphics and visualizations. but i have been using Power BI before and came to R as a an good ...
Vamsi Krishna's user avatar