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Questions tagged [preprocessing]

Data preprocessing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into a better understandable or more useful format.

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Unorthodox Time Series Preprocessing methods

I am writing a school paper on preprocessing of time series. In the paper I want to test the unorthodox methods of time series preprocessing. I want to then feed the data to LSTM model and measure its ...
Sergey Bobkov's user avatar
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Identifying patterns and trends in insurance behavior with clustering or decision trees

I have a list of patient accounts based on their discharge date. I have various inputs related to each patient such as their financial class, insurance information, demographics, claims information, ...
racurry1993's user avatar
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Faster preprocessing for Arabic texts

Background I'm analyzing a relatively large text-based Arabic dataset using Python (50,000 - 70,000 text files; total size ~5GB). I want to segment, stem, and POS tag the dataset. I am aware of two ...
Alaa's user avatar
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Index construction for multivariate ordinal with known weights

Constructing a prioritization score from the following ordinal variables: ...
Vijay Tripathi's user avatar
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What is the intuition behind designing a neural network for complex non-linear regression problems?

What is the intuition behind designing a neural network for complex non-linear regression problems? I'm looking for guidance on how to intuitively design a neural network for regression, specifically ...
Rushabh Kheni's user avatar
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How does one handle a dataset with groups of features and groups of labels in classification?

I have a large dataset (1.8mil samples). There are 15 features: x1, y1, z1, e1, d1, x2,..., d3. (x,y,z) are coordinates, e is energy, and d is a derived feature- Euclidean distance between the ...
mche1962's user avatar
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Mobilenetv2 transfer learning

Goal: Transfer learning Mobilenetv2 (input size 224x224 and it's own preprocessing (resize + central_crop + normalization)) as encoder for Unet with input size 512x512 using pytorch. What I've done: ...
Егор Чилиевич's user avatar
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How to preprocess/encode categorical data, to use in dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms?

I am working on a project witht the goal of clustering participants of in a survey according to their answers. The dataset is a set of 63 questions, some nominal and some ordinal. How should I encode ...
0 votes
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How to choose thresholds to discretize target for binary classification

My group is using logistic regression to investigate the most predictive features in a dataset. Our target variable is actually a continuous variable that we discretized using two cutoff thresholds (...
OstensiblyPutative's user avatar
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Classification for multi row observation: Long format to Wide format always efficient?

I have a table of observations, or rather 'grouped' observations (that spans more than a row), where each group represents a deal, and each row representing a product. But the prediction is to be done ...
Salih's user avatar
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Resampling calibration data

Is it appropriate to resample a calibration dataset, or should the class distribution be consistent with the observed data?
hmm's user avatar
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Why does forecasting with an LSTM yield better results with shuffling?

I first partition the timeseries data into train, validation, and test splits, without performing any shuffling. Each row is a window of ordered samples, so my training data might be shaped ...
MuhammedYunus's user avatar
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How to train Logistic regression model with multiple inputs for 1 target value?

My data looks like similar to this: (the picture below is not mine, but describes perfectly my situation) where the IDs are not unique but for each ID value I have a unique target value The following ...
Moez Daly's user avatar
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Help required in opening files of a dataset (.phys, .thermal, .pts, .ass extensions)

We have received a dataset that consists of audio, visual, thermal, and physiological modalities. Upon exploring the dataset, we encountered some challenges in opening the following file types: .phys ...
Anup Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Outlier Detection in Zero-inflated dataset

I have a feature , more than 85% of its values are 0s. So when i try traditional boxplot method for outlier detection, all the non-zero values are identified as outliers. What modifications can i make ...
Farid Muradzade's user avatar
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Tips for pre-processing long unstructured text?

I'm working on a React-Node project where I'm trying to pre-process some text before passing it to GPT-4 to perform information extraction out of it, the flow of the project is: User uploads document ...
Abdul Munem's user avatar
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Reducing emails token count preprocessing for Large Email Datasets - Feeding LLMs

I have a large email dataset in .txt format and want to feed LLMs (like Gemini and ChatGPT) to provide answers based on email content. The token count for my email data is very high (~1M for 1K emails)...
Rafael Borja's user avatar
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What is the most optimal way to work with the "names" variables?

Suppose the following df: ...
cfsl's user avatar
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Treat Age as Categorical or Continuous

I am in the middle of processing data for feature reduction (haven't decided the method yet). The data consists of a row of people and ~3000 column of attributes that correspond to that person and is ...
sheroam's user avatar
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Outliers in test data

This famous dataset have a lot of zero values (Above 500). But it is not really clear, some of them are outliers or not. My question is: What if i decided that ALL 0's are outliers (it's pretty likely)...
Тима 's user avatar
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How do I know the appropriate number of iterations when using Miceforest for imputation?

I want to know how to avoid overfitting without having to increase the number of iterations excessively in Python with the Miceforest library. I know you can make a correlation map of data sets but I ...
Eduardo Dimas's user avatar
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References for relative/scaled time?

I have time-based (e.g., patient) data where some subjects (patients) were treated for a longer time than others. I want to analyze the treatment effects where observations are really noisy (so ...
sds's user avatar
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Strategies for Encoding Large Datasets in Symbolic Music Generation for BERT-type Model

I am creating a BERT-type model for symbolic music generation. An observation of my database is a musical piece. Actually, is a "viewpoint" of the piece: ...
Kikolo's user avatar
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Dataset with replicates: aggregation or not?

I am currently developing a neural network tailored to a regression problem using a synthetic dataset derived from an experimental simulation campaign. Given the stochastic nature of both the ...
Andrea Ferrari's user avatar
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Heavy right skewed target

I scrapped Data science job postings of almost 1000 jobs for salary prediction. I wanted to bin the salary column and build a classification model from the job descriptions. But the (salary)target is ...
Sendhan's user avatar
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What feature selection method is ideal for a large dimensional data frame after the result of one hot encoding?

I am trying to solve a sports related multi class classification problem in Python, I aim to train a custom neural network and also a SVM. I have performed prior data cleaning and encoded my data ...
pastybake2002's user avatar
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Academic name of dataset preparation method with hierarchical-learned labels? - E.g., cold→half-cooked→cooked

What's the name of the dataset preparation method indicating hierarchical ontologies? Assume photos of cold, half-cooked, and fully-cooked chickens. Annotate with temperature data. E.g., at current ...
Samuel Marks's user avatar
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Alternatives to Model-Based Feature Selection for Unsupervised Clustering

I am running a clustering model on a group of patients who are hypertensive with hopes of identifying different variations in clinical characteristics among hypertensive individuals. One of the issues ...
Zory Dory's user avatar
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how to give numeric value for a categorical feature instances

i have a data set with day of the week. i want to transform this to numerical in the data preprocessing stage. how can i do this? I want to do this in Orange data mining software...thank you
Jerry Campbell's user avatar
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Correct order of preprocessing/EDA/feature engineering?

I was wondering if I have the correct order of preprocessing/EDA/feature engineering below? Yes there are nuances and may vary from problem to problem, but am just looking for a general pipeline for ...
Katsu's user avatar
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Mislabeled problem with hospital data

I am writing this post to ask or see if someone can help me with this problem in case you may have faced a similar situation. My problem has to do with a ML tool that I am trying to develop in a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to infer the following graphs for dimensionality reduction?

I'm dealing with a high-dimensional(1600 features, 9500 columns) binary classification problem. My current accuracy, and other metrics are not upto the mark. I am trying different feature selection ...
Tanmay Sharma's user avatar
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Outliers problem

everyone hope you all are good. I have a hard time with outliers First i found some outliers in train set then i capped them and did the same with test set. So when i checked my rsme root mean ...
Shoaib Ahmed's user avatar
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Time Series Forecasting for Multiple Store Sales with Simultaneous Timestamps

I have a sales dataset with each store having a unique identifier. The dataset contains daily sales data for each store over a period of around two-years. I'm looking to build a time series ...
SIDDHARTH CHAVAN's user avatar
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Data Preprocessing in the Wild?

I am new to ML, NN, and data science as a whole so the following question might sound silly. How can we perform inference when the model is deployed in the wild? To my understanding, cleaning/...
Abdullah Abdulrahman's user avatar
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Preprocessing overheads in Machine Learning

Meta reports that data preprocessing overheads is fast becoming a bottleneck to machine learning training (
Rajath Shashidhara's user avatar
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Handling Missing Values

I have the following artificial data : Now I am trying to handle missing values in the age and salary columns using mean imputation. I am using the following code to do so : ...
John adams's user avatar
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How to train model with data received from different 3x accelerometers sensors?

I want to make a model based on accelerometer data to recognise different activities like running, walking etc. I have a small dataset collected from my target sensor. I found another dataset with ...
eugenn's user avatar
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Grouped Time Restricted Demand Regression with value cap

so I am working on quite an interesting regression task that I haven't encountered before. Our company sells products (steel) in tons. We offer contracts where the customer orders a certain amount of ...
Martin Pichler's user avatar
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What is the best way to avoid data leaking in timeseries forecasting multiple labels?

I'm predicting crypto pairs volume. I want to increase my accuracy by using one model for different pairs. Question is how to avoid timedata leaking? Example n - pairs, t- time, m - features for each. ...
Dima's user avatar
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different range of target values in neural network

I am working on a neural network regression code. The dataset includes 14 features in the range value between -1 and 1. while the target variable is changing among (0.000759) to (1100). The target ...
Mali's user avatar
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3 answers

Recommended way to embed a text thousands of tokens long?

I've split the text up sections each 512 tokens long and created embeddings for each of them. I want to combine them into 1 embedding for the full text. How do I do that? Is this even recommended? ...
codeananda's user avatar
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How to handle date columns in a dataset with over 100+ date columns?

Background: I have a dataset with around 85k rows and 320 columns.I have no formal domain knowledge and the columns ain't intuitive as well the dataset is not in a language that I speak or understand. ...
Krish Athreyam's user avatar
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Data preprocessing

I just want to know how to determine whether to remove the missing values or to impute them with mean , median or mode. I usually remove the missing values but it decreases the size of the dataset by ...
Yousaf Chaudhary's user avatar
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Scaling of categorical feautres

In the context of algorithms that consider the scales of features, I have a situation where some features are encoded using ordinal encoding, some features are binary, and some features are standard ...
jxqbbb's user avatar
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Clustering task: drop or not drop a categorical attribute/feature for which each row in the dataset contains a different value

I am dealing with a clustering task. In the dataset I am using there is a categorical feature and for each row in the dataset I have a different value for that feature (my dataset consists of 1000 ...
vito97's user avatar
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Can I convert a TensorFlow tensor to a CSV file?

I'm working on a semantic segmentation problem. I have saved my images in a tensor of shape (4767, 192, 192, 3) [It contains 4767 images of size 192192 with RGB channels]. On the other hand, I have ...
PicaR's user avatar
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How to predict continous values using resnet regression model

I'm making a resnet regression model to predict force plate data using smartinsole data. so my data input is smartinsole data and the force plate is the label. below is an example of my data sample. <...
stack offer's user avatar
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Which preprocessing is the correct way to forecast time-series data using LSTM?

I just started to study time-series forecasting using RNN. I have a few months of time series data that was an hour unit. The data is a kind of percentage value of my little experiment and no other ...
orde.r's user avatar
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Labelling spectrograms

Currently I'm working on a ML project, just need an information, is there any tool that is present that can load audios file and generates spectrograms as well as an option to annotating/ label the ...
Karthik Sudapelli's user avatar

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