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What programming language is better for data science?

I'm a student who is currently learning Python and Java. I'm very interested to learn about data science and machine learning as well as deep learning. Which of Java and Python is more useful for me?
Charansaiponnada's user avatar
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Deep neural network is plateauing on a regression task

I'm training a deep neural network on temporal graph data. Currently, I'm trying to get a feel for how large / complex of a model I should aim for, so I'm trying to overfit to my smallest dataset. ...
aadithyaa's user avatar
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Do you use custom classes in your Data Science code?

After a few years in the field I find myself leaning more and more to a functional, side-effect free, deterministic input-output codeing style. More or less everything in my work is a function: ...
Myccha's user avatar
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problems trying to install PIP

Ugh I'm so frustrated. I'm trying to install pip for vscode so I can get py-solc-x. I downloaded python (it shows that I'm on python 3.10.12 when i run python --version). But when I run install ...
auditorchick's user avatar
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Very basic python question [closed]

I am doing the free interactive learn python tutorial, and I am on the first conditions lesson. The task was to make it so that every statement in the following code resolved true. The code below was ...
auditorchick's user avatar
1 vote
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Advice in career path [closed]

I'm currently in Argentina without any type of degree and knowledge in the field of data, maths, programming. My career goal is to get a starting job from here (Argentina) and eventually with some ...
Santiago Alegre's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generating a random numpy ndarray of 0 and 1 with a specific range of 1 values

I want to generate a random numpy ndarray of 0 and 1. I want that the number of occurrences of 1 in every specific rowto range between 2 and 5. I tried:...
I Sui's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

cbind doesn't attribute the name of the column

I'm trying to create a new data frame that contains the row names and the first column of an existing data : i tried this ...
Anouar's user avatar
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0 votes
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Speculation regarding rising trend in softwares with a potential in diminishing the role of a data scientist [closed]

I have recently came across a demo of for a software that's built on natural language processing and its job is to convert a text the user types on a Python interpreter such as Jupyter and the ...
SPARSE's user avatar
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Calculation of relative standard deviation with a custom function in R

I have measured concentrations of elements in a number of samples. Each concentration is an average of three measurements. Also the standard deviation of these measurements is recorded. I tried to ...
Katrijn Jongman's user avatar
1 vote
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Create an amortization table with SQL [closed]

I have a list of credits, let's assume they are only two for ease: Credit #1 and credit #2: One has 3 months of payments missing and the other has 6 months left of payments. It would like to obtain a ...
Juan Esteban de la Calle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

R code that gives results like Wolfram Alpha for the expectation of a function of a random variable? [closed]

When I ask Wolfram Alpha to calculate $E[f(X)]$ where $f(x) = e^{-x^2}$ and $X \sim \mathcal{N}(1,4)$, it gives the result $$ E[f(X)] = \frac{1}{3\sqrt[9]{e}} \approx 0.29828, $$ and the following ...
Bertus101's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How prevalent is `C/C++` in machine learning development?

I am currently a data scientist mostly doing NLP, and I do most of my work inPython. Since I didn't get a CS degree in undergrad, I've been limited to very high ...
gust's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers in R

Can anybody suggest to me, where I can find example code for R language for BERT neural network for text mining tasks. All I can see are python examples, and I need R.
user avatar
3 votes
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How to choose tools for web dashboard?

I am working in a small sales company. Started with making relatively easy, small, static reports in Excel, but then it was required to make a lot of highly-customizable and adaptable reports, that ...
Jay Shee's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Divide a column by itself with mutate_at dplyr

Hi I'd like to turn each non zero value of my selected columns to a 1 using mutate_at() ...
3nomis's user avatar
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1 answer

Output of classifier.predict Tensorflow extract probabiltity

When I do a prediction with my DNN clasifier I get a dictionary like this. ...
ItsYou's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Tell me some things a data scientist/statistician needs to do that can't be done in R/Stata/SAS/SPSS [closed]

Why do I need to learn to program in python or Java and learn data structures? I can't think of a single thing statisticians/data scientists need to do that isn't built in as a package in R/stata.
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1 answer

error length > 1 and only the first element will be used?

I'm new i data mining and R, and i'm working with a dataset and trying to remove the "white space" elements. i tried to create a function to do that. ...
JohanR's user avatar
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-2 votes
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PAQ=LU pivoting factorization python programming

My code: ...
aisyah's user avatar
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0 answers

How to run Orange from the source code? [closed]

I'd like to contribute to Orange. To get used to the code, I tried to run the source code directly under Windows 10, so far without success. I have numpy and scipy installed, and the source code for ...
Timo von Oertzen's user avatar
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How to generate a sample from a generative model like a Restricted Boltzmann Machine?

I am learning about the Boltzmann machine. So far, I have successfully written a code that can learn the coefficients of the energy function of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine. Now, since my model is ...
stressed out's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to implement a Restricted Boltzmann Machine manually? [closed]

I am learning about Restricted Boltzmann Machines and I'm so excited by the ability it gives us for unsupervised learning. The problem is that I do not know how to implement it using one of the ...
stressed out's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Best programming language [closed]

I have a masters in pure statistics. I have no knowledge of any programming language. Which is the best programming language that I should learn about and will help enhance my career in data analysis. ...
Harry's user avatar
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What can functional programming be used for in data science?

In my next academic year at university, I have the option to take a course in Advanced Functional Programming. A basic description of the course is this: "You’ll focus on a number of more advanced ...
Data's user avatar
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I only have microsoft office, how can i write code to manipulate relational data sets?

At work, I am in a role that does not have a lot of computer permissions. I do have the Microsoft office suite. I have skills with programming and would like to be able to use my experience to do more ...
norman's user avatar
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I want to learn how to construct data science packages on top of core packages. Is there a list of excellent data science packages I can learn from? [closed]

Short question I want to learn how to construct data science packages on top of core packages. Is there a list of excellent data science packages I can learn from? Long question I recently came ...
myopic's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Which coding language to use for very large datasets? [closed]

I have a very large panel data set (contains around 50M observations, size around 3G). I would to run an algorithm on it. The algorithm basically just loops over observations. Ideally, I would like to ...
Mike's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Is Excel sufficient for data science?

I'm in the process of preparing to teach an introductory course on data science using the R programming language. My audience is undergraduate students majoring in business subjects. A typical ...
I Like to Code's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Best Programming Language for Data Science [closed]

I'm learning JS, HTML and CSS, but I doubt JS is very good at Data Analysis. So, what would you guys recommend me learning to start my "career" in Data Science? What's the best programming language ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Does SQL Server support the Poisson distribution?

I am trying to do some work that is primarily based in SQL Server. I cannot seem to find a native function to SQL that supports the Poisson distribution. Has anyone had success with applying Poisson ...
I_Play_With_Data's user avatar
4 votes
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Practical use of oop in R

R supports a wide range of OOP designs like s3,s4,RC and others via packages,and it's a bit overwhelming to decide on which to use and a more basic question that I have is when and where do you use ...
ultron's user avatar
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Finding levels in an array of floats

Before anybody asks please let me confirm this question is related to trading technical analysis. The problem is quite simple, but I lack the scientific background required to solve it. Data comes ...
Sorin Comanescu's user avatar
-2 votes
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Do I need a strong programming background to become a data analyst? [closed]

I'm thinking about becoming a data analyst, and I'm wondering if programming knowledge is a must for this. I'm fairly strong with maths, but I have very little programming experience. Do all data ...
Student's user avatar
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Which programming languages should I use to integrate different analysis software packages?

I am currently writing a package to streamline data analysis for a research lab. There are several different analysis software packages that we use, based out of unix, matlab, and (rarely used) python....
user avatar
2 votes
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How to automate left join of multiple data frames with single data frame one by one in R

i have 206 data frames named after country(FRANCE,GERMANY,HONGKONG...) with same 37 variables in these 206 files and another data frame name pf with 9 variables. i want to do left join of these 206 ...
joy's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Numpy.eye() in Python 3 [closed]

I'm using numpy.eye(N, M, dtype=int) to print a matrix whose diagonal elements are 1 and rest of the elements are 0. Code: ...
Sneha Challa's user avatar
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Technical question: how to build exe from python code?

I have a predictive model in IPython notebook. How can I create dll or exe from it? And is it possible to save in executable file already trained model? I want a program with very simple syntax(X - ...
Acapello's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

From where should I start Machine Learning? [closed]

I want to know how to start from scratch for Machine Learning. Also which language is best for implementing its algorithms or developing future applications based on it. Thanks!
ayushtickoo's user avatar
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How can I vectorize this code in R? Maybe with the apply() function?

I am really struggling to replicate the output of the dist() function in R code without using 1 or 2 for loops. (If you're wondering why I'm doing this, it's so that I can play around with the ...
ajrwhite's user avatar
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46 votes
12 answers

Data Science in C (or C++)

I'm an R language programmer. I'm also in the group of people who are considered Data Scientists but who come from academic disciplines other than CS. This works ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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10 answers

IDE alternatives for R programming (RStudio, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio)

I use RStudio for R programming. I remember about solid IDE-s from other technology stacks, like Visual Studio or Eclipse. I have two questions: What other IDE-s than RStudio are used (please ...
IgorS's user avatar
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