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Effect of hyperparameters: the hidden size, layers, MLP size number of heads on Transformer

Is there any paper that explains the effect of hyperparameters: hidden size Number of layers MLP size number of heads on Transformer performance. I found some explanation on the web but I need ...
user836026's user avatar
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Should a Learning Rate Scheduler adjust the learning rate by optimization step (batch) or by epoch?

In PyTorch doc, it suggests torch.optim.lr_scheduler provides several methods to adjust the learning rate based on the number of epochs. However, from other ...
CyberPlayerOne's user avatar
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Dataset Format for fine tuning deepset/roberta-base-squad2 hugging face transformer model

I have been trying to fine tune the roberta model for QnA to my specific domain (healthcare). I am unable to find the correct way to provide the dataset format to the tokenizer in order to fine tune ...
Tushar Sethi's user avatar
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How does the Transformer predict n steps into the future?

I have barely been able to find an implementation of the Transformer (that is not bloated nor confusing), and the one that I've used as reference was the PyTorch implementation. However, the Pytorch ...
skevelis's user avatar