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Transfer Learning - GoogLeNet - Training Times || Loss not converging || Pytorch

Hi Community and thanks in advance for the help. I am working on transfer learning - specifically GoogLeNet model with the Food101 Dataset. Code is below. I think everything is in order from data ...
James's user avatar
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Why is my NN model's prediciton for y= sinc(x) function showing symmetric?

RimaMonica's user avatar
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PyTorch ResNet implementation's Training Loss increasing with every Epochs

I'm implementing a ResNet network from scratch using PyTorch. This network is unique to my requirements, since I need to perform Image Classification for Satellite Imagery with 14 different channels ...
Gamma-ray-burst's user avatar
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How to differentiate Bitmojis gender?

I have seen this Project Larry-zx's Githubproject It is used to create a .pth file which can differenciate between a bitmojis gender. Now I have created that .pth file but no idea how to use it, ...
Digitas Merero's user avatar
3 votes
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Training tricks for increasing stability in mixed precision

I would love to be able to use automatic mixed precision more extensively in my training, but I find that it is too unstable and often ends in NaNs. Are there any general tricks in training that ...
Luke's user avatar
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C Drive got filled while training my dataset over yolov5

Asked the question over a cross-validated stack but got recommendations to ask at the data science stack. So, I recently bought a GPU and tried yolov5 on my personal dataset of around 1500 images. ...
Muhammad Wasil Shahzad's user avatar
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training loss decreases but training accuracy is also decreasing with epochs

I am working on the classification problem where by I am having a hinge loss function + other loss terms to optimize for which the input is the output from tanh layer at the end. But I can't reveal ...
POOJA GUPTA's user avatar
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When to stop the final model training?

Let's say I'm participating in a Kaggle image recognition competition. Firstly, I create a train/validation split and find the good hyperparameters for my model. Here the stopping criterion is when ...
SpaceCossack's user avatar
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Training the network with some batch size - code

There is my "training" code below, I wrote it based on one youtube tutorial. I don't understand actually one part: batch_X = train_X[i:i+BATCH_SIZE], batch_y = train_y[i:i+BATCH_SIZE]. How ...
Adolf Miszka's user avatar
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Adding Validation PyTorch

First of all, I'm new in this field and it's my first this kind of work. I'm trying to train EfficientNet (CNN), the code below is working fine, but I can't succeed to add also validation set to the ...
Adolf Miszka's user avatar
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Plot a training/validation curve in Pytorch Training [closed]

I have the following training method and I'm confused how may I modify the code to plot a training and validation curve history graph with matplotlib ...
Charith Jayasanka's user avatar
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Training Object Detection model on just 10 images

I am trying to train an object detection model using Mask-RCNN with Resnet50 as backbone. I am using the pre-trained models from PyTorch's Torchvision library. I have only 10 images that I can use to ...
asanoop24's user avatar
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Troubles Training a Faster R-CNN RPN using a Resnet 101 backbone in Pytorch

Training Problems for a RPN I am trying to train a network for region proposals as in the anchor box-concept from Faster R-CNN on the Pascal VOC 2012 training data. I am using a pretrained Resnet 101 ...
IntegrateThis's user avatar
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Algorithm to calculate nerual network training time?

Before starting a new machine learning side project, it would be very useful to estimate how long it will take to run 1, 10, 100, 1k epochs. A crude estimate is more than sufficient (i.e. 1 epoch ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Slow GPU While Training CNN

TL:DR: While training a small CNN on a Tesla T4, the GPU does not run any faster than about 1/3 - 2/3 of its base clock speed. The training time takes forever, and there is lots of weirdness with ...
SciFiFish's user avatar
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Transformer for neural machine translation: is it possible to predict each word in the target sentence in a single forward pass?

I want to replicate the Transformer from the paper Attention Is All You Need in PyTorch. My question is about the decoder branch of the Transformer. If I understand correctly, given a sentence in the ...
Pablo Messina's user avatar