Questions tagged [recommender-system]

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Recommendation System Algorithms for Multi-entity ranking

I'm looking for industry engineering or research papers tacking the problem of universally ranking disparate items. For example, one example is the Doordash recommender, which their team attempted to ...
Matt Harrison's user avatar
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How to determine binary relevances based on continuos model ouputs

Consider the following dataset search_id, features, binary_relevance I have trained a ranking model, but it predicts continuos ranks. How do i binarize them? I know that within each search id I could ...
Vladislav Bizin's user avatar
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job title normalizer

is there any way to normalize job titles using ml or nlp? examples: raw title: UX/UI Engineers normalized title: Software Engineers raw title: UX/UI Designer normalized title: Graphic Designers ...
pycoder's user avatar
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predict next career suggestion

I have a dataset having job and description. i want to make model which can predict what are the thing that user needs to improve when the user inputs his skills. For an example, If he has skills - ...
pycoder's user avatar
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I want to make a Career suggestion model

There is a dataset having job titles and the descriptions. when a person enter his skills i need to output which category of job he should do. i have already created that using cosine similarity.(If ...
pycoder's user avatar
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is concatenating embeddings of different dimension as input to two tower model valid?

I'm trying to build a two tower retrieval system for recommender system. Sudden question popped into my head, when concatenating all embeddings then sending it off to dense layer, does embeddings with ...
haneulkim's user avatar
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Upsell and cross sell opportunity via recommender system

I have a million residential customers across the United States who purchase my service. Some buy a single service, some buy multiple services. I want to identify similar customers who are alike in ...
Sean Ryan's user avatar
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Interaction requirements for user-item data for Content Based Filtering RS

I am trying to build a recommender system using content based filtering for recipes. I am new to recommender systems. My user-item interactions table contains mostly users who have only rated one item ...
Kaura's user avatar
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How the RecommenderNet model works

I'm newbie to collaborative filtering based recommendation, I have some questions about collaborative filtering when using keras' RecommenderNet model The RecommenderNet model uses Item-based ...
Khang Khang's user avatar
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How to combine Image-based recommender and Collborative recommender?

I am making a hybrid recommender of two models: Collaborative and Image. Hybrid will receive 2 additional percentage parameters to calculate rating between user and item. For example, to predict ...
Khoa Hữu Bảo Huỳnh's user avatar
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How to predict rating in Image-based recommender system?

Currently I have metadata files, train _rating and test_rating. I have built a model that allows users to input an image and suggest products with similar images. I wanted to make my image-based model ...
Khoa Hữu Bảo Huỳnh's user avatar
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RecSys model performance stalling at 47% AUC and F1-Score. Is the problem due to ratio of users to items in my dataset?

I'm having trouble with making my validation metrics go down for the binary_crossentropy and go up for the F1-score and AUC. I've tried tuning my hyper parameters such as the number of latent features ...
Mig Rivera Cueva's user avatar
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Collaborative Filtering using ALS

We are trying to use collaborative filtering mechanism for recommendations, implicit data, based on users are navigating to. Trying ALS (using Spark) which makes sense here. All fine. Now the model ...
user154429's user avatar
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What resources can be used to get reliable information about recommender systems and using time feature?

I am working on a recommender system that suggests games to users based on their playing history. So far, I have not used the period - when the user played specific games. I want to test my ...
Yana's user avatar
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What are the benefits of using recommendation models over classification or regression models?

I understand there are specialized models for recommendation such as Collaborative Filtering, Matrix Factorization, or Factorization Machine. But I think recommendation problems can be framed as ...
E.K.'s user avatar
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Can I use NDCG as a loss function in Tensorflow recommender?

I am trying to follow the sample code here to build a dcn model. I want to use ndcg as the loss function and metrics, but the default one here is rmse.
Learning's user avatar
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ML recommendation techniques where all users are not in training set

I have a list of orders, which contains a list of items. I need to use machine learning to suggest other items to customers based purely on their basket at the time of checkout, considering the ...
Josh Hales's user avatar
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Advice on how to approach a recommendation model for marketing

I am working on a project to provide recommendations to the marketing team to launch effective campaigns. The dataset I have has data on existing customers, their demographic and billing details as ...
DS_1's user avatar
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Matrix Factorization with SVD/Gradient Descent - Dealing with new users

I'm working on implementing matrix factorization for a recommender system. I implemented matrix factorization, once with stochastic gradient descent and once with scipy's svds() function. The thing ...
0diraf's user avatar
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how to treat tied condition in ndcg calculation?

I am trying to calculate ndcg manually, and not sure how to treat tied condition. For example, item A, B, C, D, the actual rating is 1, 0, 0,0. Should irank = 1,2,3,4. or 1,2,2,2, or 1,3,3,3?
Learning's user avatar
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Implicit feedback based recommendation - User - User recommendation

My dataset involves customer_id, item_id and Count of purchases. My datset size is small...we have 15 users and 317 items.. Currently, am trying to build a recommendation system based on user based ...
The Great's user avatar
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How to update the weights of a ranking algorithms through unsupervised learning?

I have, let's say, 100 samples with n features, and I want to rank them by learning the weights for each feature. Weights must be learned from implicit ratings from the user (eg. user click). However, ...
Naman Lazarus's user avatar
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Why are similarities all close to 1 in my two tower recommender?

I am trying to build a simple two tower recommender system on the MovieLens 100k dataset. The user tower is just a simple embedding layer. The item tower uses an embedding layer and concats that with ...
ds_'s user avatar
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Name of metric: percentage of K for 100% recall

I have a recommendation system problem where full recall is important. Thus, the standard metrics of recall@k is insufficient. Rather, what I want to measure is how much of the recommendations must be ...
Siddharth Bhat's user avatar
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How to build a recommender system for recommending skewed positive class examples using e.g. one-class classification model or anomaly detection?

I want to build a recommendation system for accounts purchasing some items. The ratio of purchase events to view events is very low (less than 1% items that are viewed get bought). Right now I am ...
exAres's user avatar
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how does netflix calculate the percentage match scores?

I know that these scores are calculated by considering the users' past interactions. But I need some details here. For example, suppose that user A has watched the movies X, Y, and Z. For a new movie ...
Sanyo Mn's user avatar
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Unique Feature Selection's for customers using Azure ML Studio

I have this weird kind of requirement that i need for my azure ml model, not sure how to make it, so its that i will provide the model a bunch of data and in that data each row signifies a single ...
Siddhant Chimankar's user avatar
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Can I use faiss as retrieve on recommendation system?

I'm planning on using faiss to generate candidates and then lightgbm to rank the candidates. I think about using E-commerce data, as most of the examples I see using faiss are textual data. Is using ...
Marcos Mota's user avatar
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Surprise NMF object is not callable

I am building a recommender system using the Sushi Preference Dataset and the NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) model. I am implementing the same using the Surprise library. I want to use ...
Sumant Chopde's user avatar
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Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems as a regression ( rating 1 to 10) or classification (0 or 1)

we solve a Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems as a regression ( rating 1 to 10) or classification (0 or 1) why we see that a lot of works in Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems change ...
Oussama Alahoum's user avatar
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converting Rating System for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

Why we convert rating (1 to 5 or 1 to 10) to Binary Rating System for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems and what is benefit
Oussama Alahoum's user avatar
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How to prepare data if each item has multiple categories (like tags)

I'm working on a recommender system that will recommend movies to users. Movie ratings Movie User Rating 100 201 5 105 256 8 ... ... ... Movie tags Movie Tag 100 1 100 2 100 8 105 2 105 5 ....
Silver Light's user avatar
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In recommendation systems, for methods that use backproporgation to get user feature, do they need to retrain the whole model when a new user is added

I'm tying to learn about recommendation systems recently. I have some deeplearning background so I focused more on machine learning based methods for recommendation systems. I see that a lot of paper ...
meng lin's user avatar
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Supervised ranking algorithms

I'm working on a problem statement which involves ranking some short-lived items in an order such that the items expected to sell the most in the next n days are ranked on top - basically ranking ...
LucyDrops's user avatar
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tensorflow recommeders item item recommender

I am trying to create an item-item recommender using tensorflow recommenders (TFRS). I have successfully created a user-item recommender using TFRS using the code at this link as a template: TFRS ...
Oliver Causey's user avatar
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Generate vector database for userdata

I need a point in the right direction for the problem I'm trying to solve: I have a lot of already classified short articles. The articles themselves or a reference to them should be stored in some ...
mathi1651 's user avatar
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Implementing efficient "Customers who viewed this, also bought that" recommendation algorithm

I'm not sure how to formulate this but I'll have a go. This code should be completely reproducible given the data below. I hope I've been clear in my question. I'm trying to implement a recommendation ...
Parseval's user avatar
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Matching items in a recommender system

I would like to ask for a proposal for a machine learning model that would be suitable for the following problem: I have a training set where each element of type A corresponds to a certain number of ...
jared's user avatar
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How to add query filter to the Nearest Neighbors algorithm?

I have Nearest Neighbors model, built with sklearn sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors, which I use to make content based recommendations. Sometimes I need to ...
Egor's user avatar
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In-batch Random Negative Sampling

I'm trying to train a recommender model using In-batch Random Negative Sampling as described in the following paper: I'm having a bit of difficulty wrapping my ...
mmmmo's user avatar
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Which is the loss function used for validating a CF Recommender System?

I am developing (from scratch) a memory-based CF Recommender System based on movielens dataset. My CF RS uses a URM (User Rating Matrix) where r_ij contains the rating the user i gave to movie j (or ...
tail's user avatar
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Resources for Promotion/Demotion Strategies for ML Item Recommendation Systems?

We are looking to design a system where specific items or categories of items can be boosted/promoted up or relegated/demoted down the recommendation order. What are the common strategies or standards ...
JPTheEngineer's user avatar
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Cluster products that are frequently bought together

I have a dataset of articles metadata for each article, so something like this: product_id color type 1234 red t-shirt and another containing the transactions of customers, which looks like this: ...
Irfan's user avatar
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IllegalArgumentException at org.apache.xbean.asm5.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source) when training an ALS implementation of spark in scala

I was following this tutorial trying to write a collaborative recommender system using the alternating least squares algorithm in spark. I am using the movie lens dataset which can be found here. My ...
ptushev's user avatar
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Evaluate a Recommender System based on the data between two months

currently my company's planning to use a new Recommender tool/library for a book website, and now we want to compare the result between these two tools (both of the tool use Universal Recommender ...
Quang Hoàng Minh's user avatar
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How to add significance weighting in user based collaborative filtering

I have been learning about recommender systems these past days. More specifically about the collaborative filtering. While exploring I found that it can be useful to use "significance weighting&...
ilved17's user avatar
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Customizing Collaborative Filtering for Product Affinity

I'm trying to build a recommendation system and I am trying to use Collaborative Filtering (please let me know if other models fit better for my use case). My Data: My data is for an e-commerce site ...
Harsh Jhunjhunwala's user avatar
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Why is accuracy not a useful measure for information retrieval problems?

I have been studying about information retrieval and recommender systems. While reading about it I found that accuracy not a useful measure in information retrieval. I understand that, accuracy might ...
ilved17's user avatar
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In what cases does the addition of a nonlinearity decrease neural network performance?

I have a simple model, which learns well. It is a two tower recommender where we maximise dot product between positive pairs. The current structure is just an embedding layer followed by a dense layer ...
dendog's user avatar
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Should I train the model on the whole dataset in recommender systems?

After reading some tutorials and articles about recommender systems, I can't really figure out whether I should split the dataset into train/test sets or use the whole dataset to allow the model to ...
Jérémy Bastin's user avatar

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