Questions tagged [roc]

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17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Fast PR / ROC curves and corespondings AUPR / AUROC

I find myself in a position of calculating numerous PR / ROC curves and their associated area under the PR curves (AUPR) / area under the ROC curve (AUROC). Its is quite easy to perform those ...
Lucas Morin's user avatar
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AUC on ROC Curve near 1.0 for Multi-Class CNN but Precision/Recall are not perfect?

I am building a ROC Curve and calculating AUC for multi-class classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset using a CNN. My overall Accuracy is ~ 90% and my precision and recall are as follows: ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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How does ROC work with SVM?

Could someone please explain how ROC works with SVM? Specifically i'm using RocCurveDisplay.from_predictions(y_test, y_pred, ax=ax[1]) which works fine. Since the ...
lemintare's user avatar
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Macro-average ROC curve not looking right

I am performing a 10-fold Cross-validation on imbalance datasets with small n examples and large p attributes. I am plotting ROC curves by merging predicted probabilities obtained by testing on each k ...
Edoardo Taccaliti's user avatar
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What is ROC curve based on for SVM?

I was studying about the ROC curves for Logistic regression. There is a threshold in this method that determines the classification. By changing this threshold we get different confusion matrices and ...
Mina's user avatar
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How to draw each ROC curve of an SVM model with cross validation

I would like to make a graph like the following in python: That is, one curve for each fold. I have the following code where I use an SVM model to classify some data ...
PicaR's user avatar
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My data can be approximated with Normal mixture. How can I find the reasons and explain this behaviour?

I use DeLonge method to compare two ROC AUCS. The result of it is Z-score. Both ROC AUCs obtained from LDA (linear discriminant analysis) from sklearn package. The ...
Arzental's user avatar
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How to ensamble different ranking models?

I have trained two different models, which give a score to each data point. The score of the models it is not necessarily comparable. The score is used to give a ranking, and the performance is ...
Diego Palacios's user avatar
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ROC and AUC curve for CNN multi-class classification problem

I have produced a convolutional neural network to classify images (malware images) into different classes/families. I have managed to produce a confusion matrix and classification report. My ...
Jack's user avatar
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Best practice to select precision vs. recall threshold for a binary classifier

I have a logistic regression model in Scikit-Learn doing a binary classification. Looking at the Roc curve for the classifier I can see that it performs really well: The AUC score is 0.99 which is ...
Sandy Lee's user avatar
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ROC Curve - How to deal with overflow?

I'm trying to calculate the ROC curve and the AUC of a binary logistic regression from scratch, without using third party methods like sklearn.metrics.roc_curve, to ...
Matteo Campagnoli's user avatar
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ROC curve for multiclassification - results sound not correct

I'm working on a multiclassification task using LSTM algorithm, i generated my roc curve plots but they give scores like 1 , 0.99, 0.97 however i have an accuracy of 0.97, Precision 0.65, Sensitivity/...
biihu's user avatar
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How do I compute the Weighted average ROC Curve?

So i have a multiclass problem and successfully computed the micro and macro average curves, how do I calculate the weighted value for each TPR and FPR?
Marco Ramos's user avatar
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Can you get a very good AUC-ROC score despite predicting all rows to have the same probability?

On the test set of a binary classification problem, the p25, p50 and p75 of the predictions are very close to each other (e.g. 0.123). Is it possible that my model can achieve a high AUC-ROC (e.g. 0....
HK Tong's user avatar
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Use one-vs-rest ROC AUC to get threshold for each class

I have a Neural Network with 4 classes (completely balanced) where the recall is the following for each class (the class with the highest score from the network is chosen) $RE(C1) = 0.611650 $ $RE(C2) ...
CutePoison's user avatar
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How can I Determine a Treshold According to the Precision and Recall?

I am gettin these precision and recall values from my classifier and I want to determine a treshold for the test data. How can I determine that treshold? Is these values enough or something else is ...
TarabydaVllasıCafcaflıAtArabsı's user avatar
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Why I am having trouble plotting the AUC?

I am trying to plot the roc_auc curve however I am not getting any results. Any explanation here? Are there any problems with the number of data? Here is my example : ...
minattosama's user avatar