Questions tagged [scraping]

Scraping is a data collection technique used for extracting data from websites or other online sources. It relies on deploying automated processes or bots to parse HTML.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Problem Screen Scraping Google Data

I'm trying to use rvest to screen scrape headline news items from google and failing. Having previously written a utility to screen scrape high level stats from DS.SE (not user info I have to say!), ...
Marcus D's user avatar
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How can I find company descriptions for a long list of companies?

I'm going to train an ml algorithm to qualify potential sales leads based upon company descriptions. To do this, I need to find the company descriptions programatically. E.g. given a long list of ...
Per Borgen's user avatar
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ML library to analyse UI patterns on a website?

now, this might be a bit of a stupid question (I’ve done a bit of data science / machine learning in my uni years but have gotten fairly er very rusty), but I’ll give it a go regardless. So, the idea ...
Andreas Wolters's user avatar
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Retrieve a company's list of all physical assets locations based on its name

I have a list of ~1500 companies, of which I know only their names and possibly some identifiers such as the ISIN or the Ticker codes. For each of them, I would need to find the addresses of all their ...
Eleonora Varde''s user avatar
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Data Scraping Government Site

As I know it may be okay or may not be okay to data scrape a government website. Would the following site be okay to data scrape? I ...
LJ90's user avatar
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how to scrape images from facebook group

I want to scrape images from several Facebook groups some of them are public and some or not I am new to web scraping but I tried to look for solutions with selenium or BeautifulSoup or scrappy but I ...
Mohamed Amine's user avatar
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Automate downloading datasets via Colab

My desktop computer recently broke, and I'm currently working on a small laptop with barely 500mb of space left. I need to download about 100gb of files from the DFAUST dataset. I was wondering if ...
Jerome Ariola's user avatar
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Is it possible to build a regression model for predicting movie gross using sections on their wikipedia pages?

I got this as an assignment from a company recruiter and I've successfully scraped a dataset of about 650 movies with their 'Plot', 'Music' and 'Marketing' sections and gross. I've tried tfidf and ...
rick_moody's user avatar
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How can you automate collecting curriculum vitae data?

I'm doing a machine learning project, for which I need data from thousands of curriculum vitae. For this, I need to collect data from the employees of some 50 specific companies. From each company, I ...
Data's user avatar
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Is it ok to use a dataset from public API for Final Year Project?

I am about to start a final year at my university and I want to do a Final Year Project based on Machine Learning. I would like to learn basics of Machine Learning by utilising sci-kit. My project ...
pavelexpertov's user avatar