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Using SMOTE Train Model and Optimal Cutoff on Unbalanced Test Data

My original dataset has a binary dependent variable with 3% of the values being one. First, I split the original dataset into training and testing sets using an 80-20 split. Since it includes both ...
CraigS's user avatar
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SMOTENC oversampling without one-hot encoding

I'm using SMOTENC to oversample an imbalanced-dataset. I thought the point of SMOTENC was to give the option to oversample categorical features without one-hot encoding them. The reason I don't want ...
Boots's user avatar
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Using SMOTENC in a pipeline

I am trying to figure out the appropriate way to build a pipeline to train a model which includes using the SMOTENC algorithm: Given that the N-Nearest Neighbors algorithm and Euclidian distance are ...
thereandhere1's user avatar
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Balancing the dataset using imblearn undersampling, oversampling and combine?

I have the imbalanced dataset: data['Class'].value_counts() Out[22]: 0 137757 1 4905 Name: Class, dtype: int64 ...
hanzgs's user avatar
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4 votes
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SMOTE for regression

I am looking into upsampling an imbalanced dataset for a regression problem (Numerical target variables) in python. I attached paper and R package that implement SMOTE for regression, can anyone ...
thereandhere1's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

SMOTE vs SMOTE-NC for binary classifier with categorical and numeric data

I am using Xgboost for classification. My y is 0 or 1 (true or false). I have categorical and numeric features, so theoretically, I need to use SMOTE-NC instead of ...
RafalQA's user avatar
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SMOTE-NC does not help to oversample my mixed continuous/categorical dataset

When I use SMOTE-NC to oversample three classes of a 4-class classification problem, the Prec, Recall, and F1 metrics for minority classes are still VERY low (~3%). I have 32 categorical and 30 ...
Sarah's user avatar
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SMOTE and oversampling with constraints

I'm trying to apply SMOTE to a dataset that has time-constraints. I have information about users visiting a website. For some features, there are time constraints, e.g having the first visit and the ...
Titus Pullo's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use SMOTENC inside the Pipeline?

I would greatly appreciate if you could let me know how to use SMOTENC. I wrote: ...
ebrahimi's user avatar
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