Questions tagged [tensorflow]

TensorFlow is an open source library for machine learning and machine intelligence. TensorFlow uses data flow graphs with tensors flowing along edges. For details, see TensorFlow is released under an Apache 2.0 License.

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How to handle noisy data?

I have X values such as [0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 20, -0.2, -0.1, -0.6, -0.8, -30] Now I know that if the abs value is below a certain threshold, let's say 2, the y-...
Franc Weser's user avatar
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Tensorflow and Sklearn

Is there a way to feed tensorflow tensors into a sklearn model? I have the following model to set up data compression: ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to make my Neural Netwok run on GPU instead of CPU

I have installed Anaconda3 and have installed latest versions of Keras and Tensorflow. Running this command : ...
Deni Avinash's user avatar
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Wave form analysis ML algorithm [closed]

I am trying to determine a person's emotions from their speech. This immediately rings Machine Learning bells and the first step in any ML problem is getting and processing data. My first question is, ...
Harry Stuart's user avatar
3 votes
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Training images with multiple channels

So I have a set of images with 16 layers each. Is there a good reason to split the channels in a format like example : [images_length,16,image_width , image_height] instead of creating something ...
Makis Mandrelas's user avatar
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Extracting embeddings of Categorical Variables

I am trying to build a regression model, for which I have a nominal variable with very high cardinality. I am trying to get the categorical embedding of the column. Input: ...
data_person's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the best way to read SQL dataset in to Tensorflow?

What is the best way to read SQL database in to Tensorflow? Currently, I am using Postgres on server and developed DL algorithm on Tensorflow using Jupyter Lab. How can I import data into Jupyter Lab ...
ARAT's user avatar
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How to increase accuracy of model from tensorflow model zoo?

Situation: My dataset is 70k images of people wearing clothes. Images are labelled: bbox position and class. There are 10 classes. I did 80:20 split. Categories are ...
szanks's user avatar
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Visualizing word embeddings

I am working on a text-classification problem, and trying to understand how to work with the tensorboard projector for an embeddings layer in Keras. Borrowing an example from the Deep Learning with R ...
superstator's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use a GAN to increase my Dataset used for Image detection?

I am currently working on a machine learning project where I use the YOLO Algorithm to detect an object inside of a picture or video. The problem I face is that the specific image set (side-scan sonar)...
James's user avatar
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Policy gradient - and auto-differentiation (Pytorch/Tensorflow)

In policy gradient, we have something like this: Is my understanding correct that if I apply log cross-entropy on the last layer, the gradient will be automatically calculated as per formula above?
Jed's user avatar
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How to use a NN architecture that is too big for GPU?

Initially posted in Stack Overflow. I would like to implement a model which is actually 2 neural networks stacked together. However the size of these 2 architecture is too big to fit in GPU at the ...
Astariul's user avatar
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Does image resizing lower the prediction accuracy of MLP?

I am implementing a vanilla neural network (MLP) to do image classification in python using tensorflow on images of honey bees to detect their health status. The images in my dataset are of different ...
Gol's user avatar
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How to predict a None (not in the categories)?

Im using tensorflow.keras I made a model that can predict cat and a dog but when I try to predict image without dog or a cat I still get an answer of a cat/dog. I tried find the % value of the ...
Wailu's user avatar
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Using deep learning or random forest [closed]

I am very new to machine learning, and I am trying to build a model to classify this data set (UCI heart disease). I have built a simple model using random forest and got an 80% accuracy. The size of ...
Kasy Chakra's user avatar
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TypeError: Expected binary or unicode string, got array [closed]

I am trying to convert an array containing images into a tensor, but I'm getting error "TypeError: Expected binary or unicode string, got array" images.shape = (10,) images[0].shape = (375,500,3) ...
Mahlatse's user avatar
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Using Keras masking layer with 2D convolutions (Conv2D)

I'm trying to design a neural network including time dependent input with different lengths and I'm currently using a Masking layer. This network worked well with TensorFlow version 1.9.0 but after ...
nirR's user avatar
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How does the multi-input deep learning work?

I have a multi-input convolutional neural network model that inputs 2 images from 2 datasets to give one output which is the class of the two inputs. The two datasets have the same classes. I used 2 ...
Noran's user avatar
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LSTM/RNN seems to be failing at testing

I'm relatively new to ML, keras and tensorflow and I working with a dataset (kerastest.csv) that is 400 lines of this ...
Hexadecimalism's user avatar
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How to train a multi inputs deep learning model using every combination of inputs? [closed]

I am beginner in deep learning. I want to create a multi inputs CNN model in Keras. The model takes two inputs of images to give the two images class. The two images from differnt datasets that have ...
N.IT's user avatar
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Understanding why my binary classification is approaching 50% accuracy using TensorFlow and Keras

I'm using the EMBER dataset (malicious and benign binaries). I used the built in EMBER code to vectorize the data and then filtered the unlabeled from the training data.
bravosierra99's user avatar
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CNN not learning properly

Before marking my question as duplicate, I would like to say that I have tried all the possible solutions mentioned in similar questions, but that doesn't seem to work. I am currently working on ...
Amruth Lakkavaram's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to change the names of the layers of deep learning in Keras?

I am using vgg16 to create a deep learning model. I want to know how to change the names of the layers of deep learning in Keras? I tried this ...
N.IT's user avatar
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Comparing tensors in TensorFlow

I have two TensorFlow tensors each being outputed from object detector network, each containing this shape (batch, height, width, detected_boxes * num_classes). I want to compare each box from each ...
MasterWizard's user avatar
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Tensorflow Fine-tuning a model from my own checkpoint

Assume that I am going to do more training with a similar data set in the future, is there any benefit to me using a fine tune checkpoint from a model that I created from my own training as opposed to ...
IamSierraCharlie's user avatar
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Loss decreasing faster = lower convergence?

I am trying to optimize a generative deep LSTM network but I am unable to train each model until it converges because it would take a very long time and cost too much on AWS. I am grid searching ...
mevers303's user avatar
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What is the difference between shuffle in fit_generator and shuffle in flow_from_directory?

I am using Keras to create a deep learning model and I would like to know that what is the difference between shuffle argument in ...
Noran's user avatar
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Merge two vgg16 models in Keras

I am working in deep learning project using vgg16. I got the following error and I could not solve it. ...
Noran's user avatar
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Why can distributed deep learning provide higher accuracy (lower error) than non-distributed one with the following cases?

Based on some papers which I read, distributed deep learning can provide faster training time. In addition, it also provides better accuracy or lower prediction error. What are the reasons? Question ...
bnbfreak's user avatar
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What is the effect of highly correlated data on a Convolutional Neural Network?

A speech audio sample can be converted to MFCC coefficients for further analysis. I wanted to know the effect of correlated data on a CNN. I know the process of computing the MFCC coefficient, which ...
Archit Singh's user avatar
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Why my model can't recognise my own hand written digit?

Currently i am working on digit recognizer[0-9]. My model train accuracy 100% and test accuracy ...
Masum's user avatar
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Multi-inputs Convolutional Neural Network takes different number of images

I am using Keras to build a CNN model that takes two types of images as inputs (input1, input2) and produce one output. The model classifies the two inputs into a class, and the number of images in ...
Noran's user avatar
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ROC curve for deep learning

I am working in a deep learning project for image classification. I am using Vgg16 to create the model and the dataset has 100 classes. The testing accuracy is 98.9% and loss is 0.1731 And I got the ...
N.IT's user avatar
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How to convert my tensorflow model to pytorch model? [closed]

I performed transfer learning using ssd + mobilenet as my base model in tensorflow and freezed a new model. Now I want to convert that model into pytorch. Is there any way how I can achieve it? Any ...
Rachit Tayal's user avatar
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Input sequence ordering for LSTM network

When training a LSTM network with time series data, I guess the order in which this data is fed matters, my question is how should this ordering be... Let's take a time-series vector which will be ...
ignatius's user avatar
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Why is my Keras model not learning image segmentation?

Edit: as is turns out, not even the model's initial creator could successfully fine-tune it. This is most likely a problem of implementation, or possibly related to the non-intuitive way in which the ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to save a Numpy array output of an autoencoder as an image [closed]

I have a 256*256*3 numpy array "SP" out of an autoencoder decoder layer which I want to save and open as an .jpg image. I used something like the following python code snippets: ...
mrin9san's user avatar
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Can I use Tensorboard to manage-fjobs and visualize learning on non-Tensorflow algoithrms? (e.g. Scikit?)

I am still searching for a great tool that manages jobs and visualizes learning from my models. Tensorboard is obviously one option given it's massive support. But is it possible to organize jobs ...
dozyaustin's user avatar
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Why is my VGG16 not learning?

I've been following the series on Keras Python Deep Learning and, afaik, have produced the same code as used in the examples. However, I cannot produce the same result. ...
Matt W's user avatar
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with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode = "inference", model_dir = LOGS_DIR, config = config) [closed]

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ in _apply_op_helper(self, op_type_name, name, **keywords) 509 as_ref=...
shiva's user avatar
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Logistic Regression with Tensorflow

Is this the correct Estimator for Logistic Regression in TF 1.10? There used to be a function called: LogisticRegressor which is deprecated In file it ...
gogasca's user avatar
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Validation loss differs on GPU vs CPU

I am consistently seeing higher validation loss when I train & evaluate a model on AWS GPU vs local CPU. I am using the exact same train/eval datasets and the exact same Tensorflow code and ...
Soph's user avatar
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Convolutional neural network for gray images

I am using vgg16 to design a CNN that takes gray input images. The model give me good results without changing anything related to colors. I am not sure if what I did is correct or not. I want to ...
Noran's user avatar
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Deep Learning ROC and Average Precision Curve Results

I used Vgg16 to create a deep learning model and the dataset is imbalanced so, I used class_weight argument in fit_generator method. The model result as the following: accuracy= 98.9% and loss= 0....
N.IT's user avatar
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Tensorflow: Unable to Save checkpoint after every 2 global steps during training the SSD model object detection

Rahul_Saini's user avatar
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Why normalize when all features are on the same scale?

So I'm doing the tensorflow tutorial found here: Basically, my input is a [28x28] matrix (image) that I flatten to a [1x784] vector. ...
Tiberiu's user avatar
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Loss function returns nan on time series dataset using tensorflow

This was the follow up question of Prediction on timeseries data using tensorflow. I have an input and output of below format. ...
James K J's user avatar
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Neural network model for sparse multi-class classifier on Tensorflow

The problem I'm trying to solve is the following: the data is Movielens with N_users=6041 and N_movies=3953, ~1 million ratings. For each user, a vector of size N_movies is defined, and the values ...
A. Clark's user avatar
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Keras input shape error

I am trying to load a Keras model and make predictions with it and run into a strange error. An minimal example is the following: ...
W. Verbeke's user avatar
4 votes
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ValueError: Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected

I am trying to perform concatenation on the Bidirectinal LSTM layer. I have my model defined like this: ...
amy's user avatar
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