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Questions tagged [word2vec]

word2vec is a two layer neural network to process text. It takes words as an input and outputs a vector correspondingly. It uses a combination of Continuous Bag of Word and skipgram model implementation.

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1 answer

Intuition behind g variable calculation in the original word2vec implementation

I am trying to develop the intuition of word2vec training. Looking into the word2vec source code, I see (for example, in skip-gram): ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
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google news word2vec - 3 million 300-dimension vectors, but only 6908 distinct dimension numbers - why?

This google news word2vec dataset: google news word2vec - supposedly has has 3 million 300-...
Dannyboy's user avatar
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word2vec predicts the same word for all inputs

i build word2vec network with 2 linear layers from pytorch. for every word as an input i consistently train model to predict words before and after, for example: i was visiting my grandma's house, for ...
Тима 's user avatar
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job title normalizer

is there any way to normalize job titles using ml or nlp? examples: raw title: UX/UI Engineers normalized title: Software Engineers raw title: UX/UI Designer normalized title: Graphic Designers ...
pycoder's user avatar
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predict next career suggestion

I have a dataset having job and description. i want to make model which can predict what are the thing that user needs to improve when the user inputs his skills. For an example, If he has skills - ...
pycoder's user avatar
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Unsupervised Log Anomaly Detection

I am thinking about using the variational autoencoder model for anomaly detection . I have an Android Logs dataset. As the logs generated are a representative of time series type of data I thought ...
MLenthusiast's user avatar
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Accuracy decreased after using google word2vec model for a sentiment classification [NLP][word-embedding]

I am using Amazon fine food reviews for a sentiment classification project. while I used my dataset corpus to train avg word2vec , I was getting an accuracy of 89 %. by using BOW and TF-IDF, i was ...
Abhishek Kumar Yadav's user avatar
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What does maximize average log probability mean?

In the word2vec paper ( that introduces the skip-gram algorithm we encounter this phrase: which says that we maximize the average log probability. Can someone help ...
Claudiu Creanga's user avatar
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building embeddings for Phrases from scratch

I have a datadet with many phrases which I would like to embed them from scratch. I dont want the cosine of the words in order to get a phrase embedding, this is because the phrases may appear in a ...
Christina Valavani's user avatar
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Word embeddings

I m looking into word embedding and I would like to ask if I could train words or sentences in two layers. And if I wanted that one layer is more important, how could I calculate it? For example ...
Christina Valavani's user avatar
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what is the difference between word2vec and doc2vec

As we know Word2Vec is a non-contextual embedding, here it maps the words in global vocabulary and returns their corresponding vectors (at word level). In case of Doc2Vec, hope this is also non-...
tovijayak's user avatar
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more insights about Word2Vec implementation

As we know Word2Vec is non-contextual embedding (at word level). As per my knowledge, BOW is statistical embedding technique (word level). we can perform Word2Vec embedding in two approaches: 1. CBOW. ...
tovijayak's user avatar
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What do averaged word vectors represent?

Assume you have high-dimensional word embeddings (d > 100) for a large number of words (|V| > 100,000) calculated over a huge non-specialized natural language corpus. Assume you have taken the ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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How do we get output layer in skip-gram?

Could you please explain how do we get output layer in this architecture (vectors [0.2, 0.8, -1.4, 1.2] and ...
manabou11's user avatar
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How can I generate embeddings using previously generated BERT embeddings and feed them to an RNN?

I'm using an unlabeled news corpus to fine-tune a multi-lingual BERT model. After that I'm using those embeddings to generate embeddings for words present in a new labeled dataset. These new ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Dimension reduction of Word Embeddings: PCA vs. TSNE

I am pretty new to DS. I have a general question regarding the limitations of visualizing word embeddings using PCA. I've learned so far that when using PCA (e.g. with ...
Bernardo's user avatar
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How does softmax work for vectors?

In skipgram we predict the context words. That is the output layer before applying the softmax function is a number $V$ of words, where $V$ is the dictionary size. But each word is represented as a ...
Ruediger's user avatar
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Better results in Document similarity using Word2Vec

I try to cluster similar support-tickets in a technical domain. The support tickets are very domain-specific and are written in various styles, lengths, using abbreviation, etc. I made a training-...
Roland's user avatar
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1 answer

Pretrained word 2 vec models for social media

I have tried using en_core_web_lg, the results have been pretty good but I was wondering if there are any better pre-trained word 2 vec models that might be better to vectorize a dataset of social ...
aaronm012's user avatar
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Word2vec CBOW model with negative sampling

From this article: In vanilla skip gram model, softmax is computationally very expensive, as it requires scanning through the entire output embedding matrix (W_output) to compute the probability ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
4 votes
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Which word embedding mechanism does chatGPT use?

Which word embedding mechanism does chatGPT use? Is it Word2Vec, GloVe, or something else?
zzzgoo's user avatar
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How word2vect algorithm works using a neural network

Can anyone provide information as to how a word2vec algorithm works using a neural network. (An easy example to understand it with formulas please.)
sara's user avatar
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Train Word Embeddings on new vocabulary given the pre trained embeddings through word2vec

I have the pre-trained Embbedings on the language. I have the vocabulary for that language, what would be the pipeline to train this vocabulary by using Pre train embeddings through the word2vec model?...
Abdul Basit Niazi's user avatar
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How is weight matrix calculated in a neural network?

Context: I am a pure mathematician trying to understand machine learning. I am studying it from various sources, now focusing on NLP and word embeddings. My question: What is the weight matrix for a ...
Tereza Tizkova's user avatar
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2 answers

How to interpret differences between 2D and 3D T-SNE visualization of similar words from Word2Vec embedding?

I have created a Word2Vec model based on the transcript of the Office. I am now trying to visualize the embedding space for the top similar words of an input word with t-SNE in 2D and 3D. I ...
Elodin's user avatar
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Alternatives to word to vector embedding

I'm just curious are there some alternative techniques to word 2 vector representation? So words/phrases/sentences are not represented as vectors but have a different form. Thanks.
Dron4K's user avatar
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LSTM accuracy VS F1-score

I am trying to do multi-classification on imbalanced data with 3 classes. The imbalance is something like 6:1:3. The total amount of samples is 7000. I use LSTM, and Word2Vec to vectorize the data. ...
Eli Halych's user avatar
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Does word ordering affect monolingual alignment success

I spent some time reading about both Word2Vec embeddings and alignment between different embeddings (for instance vecmap) and was wondering whether there is any significance to the word ordering of ...
Isdj's user avatar
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Does Word2Vec's skip-gram NNLM even produce context words?

Let me first establish what CBoW and skip-gram are supposed to do. You can skip to the next section if you think this is unnecessary. Background My understanding is that Word2Vec is a suite of 2 ...
Mew's user avatar
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Why GloVe model (by gensim) does not have vectors for numbers 1, 2, ...?

I expected GLoVe to have vectors for numbers. from gensim import downloader as api glove = api.load("glove-twitter-25") glove['1'] This results in ...
Aidis's user avatar
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Hashtag-based Tweet similarity

I have a big dataset consisting of tweets including hashtags and I want to build a hashtag-based similarity engine to get the most similar tweets given a set of hashtags. In the end I would like to ...
Michael S's user avatar
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Product embeddings

Hei, I have a list of purchase baskets from customers and would like to build embeddings for the products. For example: BASKET1 = ['PRODUCT234', 'PRODUCT214', 'PRODUCT768'] BASKET2 = ['PRODUCT2', '...
ryuzakinho's user avatar
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Using BERT instead of word2vec to extract most similar words to a given word

I am fairly new to BERT, and I am willing to test two approaches to get "the most similar words" to a given word to use in Snorkel labeling functions for weak supervision. Fist approach was ...
Maitha Alnaqbi's user avatar
8 votes
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Sum vs mean of word-embeddings for sentence similarity

So, say I have the following sentences ["The dog says woof", "a king leads the country", "an apple is red"] I can embed each word using an ...
CutePoison's user avatar
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Why is Word2vec regarded as a neural embedding?

In the skip-gram model, the probability that a word $w$ is part of the set of context words $\{w_o^{(i)}\}$ $(i= 1:m)$ where $m$ is the context window around the central word, is given by: $$p(w_o | ...
CMB's user avatar
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When would you use word2vec over BERT?

I am very new to Machine Learning and I have recently been exposed to word2vec and BERT. From what I know, word2vec provides a vector representation of words, but is limited to its dictionary ...
newuser11111's user avatar
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Why we need to 'train word2vec' when word2vec itself is said to be 'pretrained'?

I get really confused on why we need to 'train word2vec' when word2vec itself is said to be 'pretrained'? I searched for word2vec pretrained embedding, thinking i can get a mapping table directly ...
Student's user avatar
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Do we perform text embedding before or after train-test splitting?

Do we perform text embedding before or after train-test splitting? I know that for encoding variables, usually done after the split. However, I'm not sure if that's also the case for text processing?
Student's user avatar
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How to deal with words out of the vocabulary CBOW implementation

I'm studying word2vec theory, and I decided to implement the Continuous Bag of Words model from zero. I know the primary pipeline for this: Preprocess a corpus: remove stopwords, lemmatization, etc. ...
mihael's user avatar
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What are different ways to reduce size of word2vec vectors file?

I am working on an application with memory constraints. We are getting vectors from python Gensim models but need to transmit copies of them to react native mobile app and potentially in-browser JS. ...
Aditya Jain's user avatar
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Recommend products based on historical queries of other users

Given the user data as in the following: ...
william007's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the exact differences between Word Embedding and Word Vectorization?

I am learning NLP. I have tried to figure out the exact difference between Word Embedding and Word Vectorization. However, seems like some articles use these words interchangeably. But I think there ...
Nahid 's user avatar
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when to use Word2Vec over LSTM?

I'm trying to decide on a language training model for my code. and I wanted to know what aspects and elements should I take into consideration before picking one of them? I understand that for larger ...
mooosh's user avatar
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Does word2vec fail for window size equal to sentence size

Will word2vec fail if sentences contain only similar words, or in other words, if the window size is equal to the sentence size? I suppose this question boils down to whether word to vec considers ...
jumbodrawn's user avatar
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How to compute sentence embedding from word2vec model?

I am new to NLP and I'm trying to perform embedding for a clustering problem. I have created the word2vec model using Python's gensim library, but I am wondering ...
albertoperdomo2's user avatar
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How to fit Word2Vec on test data?

I am working on a Sentiment Analysis problem. I am using Gensim's Word2Vec to vectorize my data in the following way: ...
spectre's user avatar
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How could I improve my classifier of text data?

I have a dataset with three columns "message", "city" and "has_info". Here is a sample of it: ...
Ir8_mind's user avatar
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How to calculate the mean average of word embedding and then compare strings using sklearn.metrics.pairwise

I am totally new to this topic, that's why I am so confused or stuck in this code for a while, but I am not sure how to solve it correctly. My goal is to write a short text embedding using vector ...
test's user avatar
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Comparing the cosine similarities of the same word representations, from two separate models (vector spaces)

I am comparing the cosine similarities of word representations derived from a BERT model and also from a static Word2Vec model. I understand that the vector spaces of the two models are inherently ...
the_herpe's user avatar
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Alternatives to negative sampling in word2vec

In word2vec, the natural negative log likelihood has a term of the shape $$\log \sum_{w \in V} \exp (v_w \cdot v_c')$$ where $V$ is the set of vocabulary, $v_w$ is embedding for word, and $v_c'$ is ...
Pig's user avatar
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