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Questions tagged [yolo]

YOLO, or You Only Look Once, is a real-time object detection algorithm

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Converting maxpool with big kernels to equivalent stacks of maxpool with small kernels

I have a onnx model for Object Detection inspired from yolo which has some MaxPool layers like this: I have to port this model to a hardware that supports only selected set of layers and parameters. ...
bbqman's user avatar
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How could I further improve my detection model?

I am currently tasked with the creation of a model which is able to detect burrows of small rodents from high resolution aerial images. My labeled images are look like this: My results now are the ...
Jeszenői Bálint's user avatar
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Does it make sense to have object detection model followed by a classification model

So i was working with the SKU110k dataset and i was required to identify the different items in the shelf as well but the SKU110k dataset only annotated shelf items but did not identify them. So i ...
Ali Raheel's user avatar
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Hugging Face Real Time Object Detection Deployment

I'm developing a live object detection app using Streamlit and the YOLOv8 model. The app runs smoothly with real-time inference on my local machine. However, when I deploy it to Hugging Face Spaces, ...
Shah Zeb's user avatar
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why YOLO models multiple the loss by batch size in detection head?

here return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach() # loss(box, cls, dfl) This line is from yolov8, but I saw similar thing in v5 too. So far I only see this kind ...
Wang's user avatar
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How many params does yolov4 have?

I have seen that there are several configs for yolov4. How can I understand that how many params yolov4 have with my custom config? Is there any field in logs when training the model? ...
Mahdi Amrollahi's user avatar
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How does the segmentation in YOLO v8 model work?

I know how YOLO models work for object detection. I wonder what gave the YOLOv8 the ability to apply segmentation at the pixel level. Is there a clever trick? How does it compare to other models like ...
Avi T's user avatar
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How to properly prune a YOLOv8 model

I was trying to apply pruning to a YOLOv8 detection model. Following is my code and it runs successfully. I see the saved pruned model as well. My YOLOv8 model has 22 layers (an example list of layers ...
Mary H's user avatar
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How to prune my Yolov8 object detection model?

I trained a yolov8-medium object detection model, but I'm not sure how to apply pruning on it. What is the proper way to prune it? I got this example code, but it only looks for ...
Mary H's user avatar
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How to interpret annotation data?

I am new to datasets. I have got an annotations train.json for MR image data like this - I want to train a Yolo-V8 model using this MR data images extracted from dicom raw data and annotations for ...
mrin9san's user avatar
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Target bounding box coordinates for classic YOLOv2

Let's say I build training data for classic YOLOv2 from paper: let me know if I understand output format correctly. Example Bounding box from picture: bounding ...
Mateusz Konopelski's user avatar
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How to use anchor box priors in yolov2?

I saw the paper in yolov2 where they said they picked some anchor boxes to start with. But the output also predicts a the position, width and height of the box. So there's no way to make the neural ...
IKnowHowBitcoinWorks's user avatar
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Should I remove the watermarks of my images before training Yolov8?

I would like to train a Yolov8 network in an animal detection task using camera trap images. Some camera trap images have information added to them such as date, time, day of the week, camera brand, ...
renton01's user avatar
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Tile color, shape, and type detection altogether

I'm trying to apply some detections/classification on the set of tiles we have. Specifically, I need to detect color (15 classes), pattern (25 classes- on the surface of tiles, there can be certain ...
Mary's user avatar
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Car Make and Model detection

I am trying to develop a deep learning model that given an image of a car, it detects a car's make and model among 50 different brands, each with say another 50 models. What approach is probably the ...
Mary's user avatar
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Combine Yolo V8?

Let's say I had 3 datasets I wanted to combine to have more data and differentiated data. Here is some examples : https://universe....
Jibril's user avatar
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Accuracy difference between 1-channel grayscale and 3-channel grayscale detection model

I have found no similar questions to this online, or answers for that matter. I am using cameras that output a grayscale image, which I feed into a Yolov8 object detection model (Specifically yolov8m-...
Alec van der Linden's user avatar
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In Yolo V8 output models how is the best model selected?

The output of Yolo V8 gives two models after the completion of specified epochs. and How is the model selected. The training outputs several graphs and results png but of all ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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Where exactly in YOLO's architecture is the input image divided into a grid?

I am currently studying the YOLO algorithm for a project. What I'm not quite sure about is where exactly the input image is divided in an SxS grid. After my research on the paper, videos and websites ...
Jannes's user avatar
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How does the background class work in object detection?

I am using YOLOv5 for object detection. I understand that any labelled classes that are not predicted, that is, false negatives (FN) shows up as background. But how are the false positive (FP) being ...
Icecream Pudding's user avatar
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How to associate each object in the prediction to its annotated version in YOLOv5?

Imagine we have one image from the COCO validation dataset. This image has 7 annotated objects: knife, carrot, person, table, chair, apple, and orange. When I feed it to YOLOv5, the predictions are ...
Hamzah Al-Qadasi's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify YOLOv8 to use it as a feature extractor for other tasks?

I'm reading through the documentation of YOLOv8 here, but I fail to see an easy way to do what I suggest in the title. What I want to do is to load a pretrained YOLOv8 model, create a bigger model ...
Pablo Messina's user avatar
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Yolov8 - box_loss and dfl_loss stays at 0. cls_loss converges. Model not giving me bounding box predictions

I'm having trouble using Yolov8 to work properly. I have my own custom dataset and an online dataset that I am using. Yolov8 trains on these datasets. However, the only metric that converges is the ...
Veggeata's user avatar
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how to lower false positive ratio on object detection using negative examples

There is a similar question here but the answer is not so clear; Basically, I have a model that detects only and only "matchbox". However, it has a high false positive ratio specially ...
user702846's user avatar
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YOLO : why does changing the confidence threshold change the [email protected]?

I trained a YOLOv7 model for a detection task. I have only one class, which is the object I want to detect. I ran with --conf-thresh to 0.001 (default) and a second time with --conf-thresh to ...
Quintino's user avatar
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KeyError: 'Resize' Error in converting from ONNX model to keras

I am trying to convert an ONNX model to a Keras model using onnx2keras, so that I can implement this: ( stacking ...
Thomas O'Brien's user avatar
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Yolo confusion matrix - Background Class

I am training the yoloV5 model, where, I have two class[object = A and B]. In the dataset, the class B has more samples than class ...
Vishak Raj's user avatar
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Split dataset into Train/Validation/Test for Object Detection

I have a dataset for Object Detection with YOLO format labels, each imagine can have occurences of different classes and multiple occurences of the same class. How can the dataset be divided into ...
1stTimeStackOverflow's user avatar
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C Drive got filled while training my dataset over yolov5

Asked the question over a cross-validated stack but got recommendations to ask at the data science stack. So, I recently bought a GPU and tried yolov5 on my personal dataset of around 1500 images. ...
Muhammad Wasil Shahzad's user avatar
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Should I remove objects labeled "unknown" from my test set?

I'm using an object detector (yolo v5) to detect and identify fish in underwater video. I have a labeled data set, but some fish are difficult for the annotator to correctly identify, so they get ...
Ketil Malde's user avatar
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Does YOLOv7 pose estimation model output 3D points? ... And, how to get them?

Simple question. Does YOLOv7 pose estimation model output 3D points? ... And, how to get them? NOTE: I have already run the over custom images (successfully)...
Marco Frisan's user avatar
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How many bounding boxes does the YOLOv6 model predict in total before thresholding?

I understand that the YOLOv5 model predicts 25200 bounding boxes between all 3 levels of output. How many does the YOLOv6 model predict, if the input resolution is 640x640?
Fijoy Vadakkumpadan's user avatar
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What is the effect Cross-Multi-Labeling/Annotation on learning process?

I have a philosophical question regarding training convolution neuronal network. I am work on training NN for purpose of detection of Window and Window blind. This is an issue of cross labels; that is,...
Hesham Hendy's user avatar
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Understanding the output of Yolo v5

The label output file of the yolo v5 model is something like this: ...
Haider's user avatar
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DeepSORT features

I'm reading about Detection and Tracking algorithms and I'm unclear about the DeepSORT algorithm: How does the DeepSORT algorithm gets the features? Does it "hijack" the feature vector from ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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On-Device Football Detection Model not performing up to the par ; misdetections

I have trained a football detection model. I have so far trained the models using RCNN, SSD (backbone MobileNet), CenterNet and others. SSD and Centernet, so far have been the best in terms of speed ...
Sohail Zia's user avatar
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YOLOv5 can't detect object on custom dataset

Context: I'm trying to utilize an object detection model (YOLOv5) to detect damage/defects on cars (dents, scratches, cracks). Right now the goal is to make a minimum viable prototype, a model able to ...
imavv's user avatar
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Object Detection without annotations and labels

Problem Statement: I am given 2 sets of images. All the images in both sets are without annotations and labels. First set : a set of images of the grocery store shelves (captured in the grocery stores)...
Aarush Aggarwal's user avatar
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Is YOLO model using a validation set for pure training purpose?

For what concerns training, validation and test dataset I think there is a little bit of confusion in literature terminology. I'm using this repo to train a model on custom 9 classes: https://github....
Andrea's user avatar
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How to benchmark own model trained by Yolov5

I trained a model with my dataset for object detection - using 1500 samples. Now I'm not pretty sure how to benchmark my model. What is the procedure before using the model? Are the parameters in the ...
Cenk Ten's user avatar
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Transfer learning on YOLOv5 for character and shape detection

The task is to detect rotated alphanumeric characters embedded on colored shapes. We will have an aerial view of the object (from a UAS: Unarmed Aerial System), something of this sort: (One Uppercase ...
satan 29's user avatar
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When should one train YOLOv5 on custom dataset or use standard COCO weights?

I am running a YOLOv5 detector on the below video to detect persons in the stream. It is giving me satisfactory response. I need to know if I should train the model on my custom dataset, or continue ...
Lakshay Dulani's user avatar
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Algorithms to do a CTRL+F (find object) on an image

We all know the CTRL+F "Find text..." feature in text editors / browsers. I'd like to study the available algorithms to do something similar on an image. Example of UI/UX: let's say you have ...
Basj's user avatar
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Object Detection, custom dataset, algorithm [closed]

I'm looking for a solution to detect objects and classify them, using a custom dataset.The overall goal is to detcet objects using my webcam. So far I've wanted to use YOLO in combination with OpenCV, ...
st0412's user avatar
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Need help in understanding how YOLO works?

In YOLO's original paper, I am quoting the parts I dont understand: Our system divides the input image into an S × S grid. If the center of an object falls into a grid cell, that grid cell is ...
Lakshay Dulani's user avatar
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What are the major architecture changes in the YOLO versions?

I came upon a recent blog on Medium that lists advancements in YOLOX over its predecessor YOLOv5. The advancements are: YOLOX uses a decoupled head Can someone please list down the major ...
Lakshay Dulani's user avatar
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Computing F1 score for YOLOV5

I am confused at finding out the exact F1 score of my YOLOv5 model which underwent training for 150 epochs. Also, how can I know if the model has done well based on these graphs? Here are the metrics: ...
EverydayDeveloper's user avatar
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Does having two different models improve performance for underrepresented classes?

I am currently working on a dataset that has approximately 7000 annotations, but suffers from severe class imbalance (there are 1331 annotations for the most represented class, and 77 for the least ...
Gimmi's user avatar
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Semi-supervised learning algorithms for multibox/priorbox detection in images

I've read lots of papers on query strategies like BADGE, SCALAR, BatchBALD etc, but they all seem to be for situations where there is a single label to give an image (is this a cat, dog or horse), but ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
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YOLO: how to deal with object partially in training image

I am trying to train a YOLO (v3) network on a set of images, but I am faced with a problem when preparing the training set. Sometimes, an image contains my object of interest, but only half of the ...
S.I.'s user avatar
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