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Confusion matrix plot with python

I'm for a function that can plot the following plot using python:
Almog's user avatar
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XGBoost most important features appear in multiple trees multiple times

I am fitting xgboost model (scala-spark) to my dataset of transactions. I have about 2 millions of transactions in my training set which is highly unbalanced with a ratio of positive/negative<0.001 ...
astro_asz's user avatar
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How to apply sequentinal MSE model to data that is not binary?

I have been using this model with binary data to predict likely hood of play from this guide. ...
RustyShackleford's user avatar
5 votes
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What type of neural network should I use to detect meteors in images?

I am currently building a project that takes fisheye images from cameras and detects whether the picture contains a meteor, and if it does it tries to identify where the meteor is. The images look ...
HmirceaD's user avatar
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Recommended model for univariate or multivariate multistep ahead time series forecasting

I have a dataset consisting of recurring and non-recurring expense transactions from bank accounts, as well as other features describing the bank account and each transation. I aggregate these ...
KOB's user avatar
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What does the limit of xgboost max_depth=1 represent?

In my mind, this means that each tree just takes one feature, and produces a step function based upon it. In the limit of n_estimators being very large and max_depth=1, does xgboost become a linear ...
cjm2671's user avatar
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Getting negative r2_score with new set of dimensions

I am trying to predict flight take off delay using my current dataset. At this point of time, I only have four dimensions. ...
Pramod's user avatar
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Methods of building machine learning models

I have seen pages where they mention 5 methods of building models. ...
Sai Kumar's user avatar
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Using tensorflow object detection in another model

I am trying to use Tensorflow (tf) object detection API models in another custom model I built. Specifically, I am trying to do: jointly train tf object detection models Y with another model X. in a ...
Srikar Appalaraju's user avatar
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Want suggestions on choosing open source embedded BI tool [closed]

I need some suggestions from all group members regarding the open source reporting/dash-boarding tool which fulfills below specific requirements apart from some basic BI functionalities: 1. Can be ...
Bhanuday Birla's user avatar
5 votes
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Can Reinforcement learning be applied in image classification?

So my question is can Reinforcement learning be applied in image classification?
Osama Dar's user avatar
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Tensorflow (or Keras) vs. Pytorch vs. some other ML library for implementing a CNN [closed]

I am looking into implementing a convolutional neural network for a research problem. I've heard of deep learning libraries like Pytorch and Tensorflow and was hoping to get some additional ...
anonuser01's user avatar
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Can we predict when an event will occur in the future from time series data?

I would like to predict a few possible times when a particular event may occur. For instance, I have the daily activity data of a person that consists of what the person doing and when over a period ...
Shamsur Rahim Hemel's user avatar
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How to extract numerical data from a matplotlib scatter plot in python?

I have a scatter plot with about 19,000 data points. By visual inspection, I noticed some points for which I want to look at the corresponding numerical data from the data frame (basically a subset of ...
user62198's user avatar
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Will I be qualified for data science roles with a PhD in Engineering and Machine Learning? [closed]

Currently doing a funded PhD in Civil Engineering using Machine learning applications. In essence data driven modelling of a niche area of engineering (to do with some material deformation predictions ...
Jordan's user avatar
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my r2_score is negative

My work at college is to estimate the value of some points. So, I need to predict 8 points based in another 8 points. When i run the algorithm, the output values are not even close to the input ...
Lucas Baccarat's user avatar
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What are the assumptions of linear regression [duplicate]

Can anyone explain the assumptions of linear regressions? If possible with an example? Is this really important to check these assumptions before proceeding?
Sai Kumar's user avatar
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Adapting Neural Network to new domain without labels

Is there an approach for the following problem: Lets say, I trained a neural network on a big dataset for categorizing different fruits in $k$ classes. Afterwards I got a nice model, which performs ...
Andreas Look's user avatar
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Tensorflow tf.divide how to use

I am very very new to tensorflow. I am trying to understand its basics. Based on some examples I created simple script: ...
RKO's user avatar
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Problem when exporting scored labels to excel

I have done a regression using Azure ML Studio and it ok. The r squared is 95% on the test sample. When predicting, the results look ok when visualizing the data. The results appear as expected, with ...
Hermes Morales's user avatar
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How to implement a Fourier Convolution layer in keras?

I'm currently investigating the paper FCNN: Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks. The main contribution of the paper is that CNN training is entirely shifted to the Fourier domain without loss of ...
deepsnow's user avatar
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Solution of quadratic optimization in support vector machines

In support vector machines, the minimization problem with inequality constraints can be converted to a minimization problem of Lagrange multipliers with equality constraints by KKT condition and ...
feynman's user avatar
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Multiple-input multiple-output CNN with custom loss function

I have a set of 2D input arrays $(n\times m)$ namely $A,B,C$ and I would like to predict two 2D output arrays namely $d,e$ for which I have the expected values. You can think of the inputs/outputs as ...
b-fg's user avatar
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Tattoo Image Recognition - Should I Crop Training Data Background

I am trying to train a neural network to detect objects within a tattoo. I couldn't find any existing labeled dataset so I need to manually create and label my own. I only understand the basics of ...
user1948626's user avatar
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Sequential Modelling: Multiple Sequence to One or Sequence to Sequence

Suppose I have a single sequence of $x_1, x_2, ..., x_n$ and corresponding labels $y_1, y_2, ..., y_n$. An example would be a person makes website visits $x_i$ and the label $y_i$ tells us if there ...
GRS's user avatar
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Evaluating performance of Generative Adverserial Network?

What is the best way to evaluate performance of Generative Adverserial Network (GAN)? Perhaps measuring the distance between two distributions or maybe something else?
Stefan Radonjic's user avatar
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Target transformation for tree models

Can anybody explain why/if target variable transformations could help when dealing with tree based models? I've seen this excellent reply which explains quite well why it shouldn't affect if ...
Ludecan's user avatar
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How do I build a permutation invariance neural network in keras?

My question is about the structure of the network required to solve my problem with fewer data. I have a sensor device that simply reports the color of the thing it's seeing in front of it. One ...
offchan's user avatar
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Classification of phone numbers belonging to same client

I have the following task at hand: Suppose, that there is a data on clients actions from the base stations of the mobile operator. While being in the reach of the base station, client can make the ...
Slyfest's user avatar
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Ensemble Method using XGBoost and RotationForest python

How can I create an ensemble model using XGBoost and Rotation Forest in Python?
PSN's user avatar
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Machine learning Classification model for binary input and output data

I have a large longitudinal dataset with 5 minute granularity for a period of around 30 months from thousands of households. I would like to classify them using a binary output (0/1) based on the ...
Kirti Sundar Sahu's user avatar
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Merging two layers

How to replace the merge statement in newer version of keras. Newer version of keras doen't support the Merge. ...
SIVAKUMAR S's user avatar
14 votes
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MAD vs RMSE vs MAE vs MSLE vs R²: When to use which?

In regression problems, you can use various different metrics to check how well your model is doing: Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): In $[0, \infty)$, the smaller the better Root Mean Squared Error (...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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hypeparameters tuning neural network according to loss vs according to scoring function

During hyperparameters tuning we select a metric to measure performance of the model. Example of metrics : f1 score, precision, recall, AUC ... In general, for the training of neural networks, back-...
ChiPlusPlus's user avatar
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ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (140,) (10230,)

I wrote this code for emotion recognition using EEG data. I am performing feature extraction by finding mean and standard deviation and performing classification using Knn algorithm. I am getting this ...
Sanjana Dhiran's user avatar
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What is the difference between reconstruction vs backpropagation?

I was following a tutorial on understanding Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and I noticed that they used both the terms reconstruction and ...
Gabriel Fair's user avatar
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Parallel distribution in networkx In python 3 [closed]

I have a graph with 67084 nodes, 91778 edges. I am unable to plot it using nx.draw(G) Is there a approach to plot it?
Talha Anwar's user avatar
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Merging common Columns values in two DataFrame Pandas

I have a dataset of patients from which I want to predict whether patient suffering from diabetes or not. In that I have a DataFrame res_total_Df with columns suppose ...
Zakir saifi's user avatar
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Perceptron Primitive Boolean Functions

Thanks for reading. I'm currently reading Tom Mitchell's Machine Learning (I'm a beginner into ML), and I'm on chapter 4 about perceptrons. I'm really confused about this paragraph: I understand the ...
joshuaronis's user avatar
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Generating Polynomial Features in R

Is there an optimized way to perform this function "PolynomialFeatures" in R? I'm interested in creating a matrix of polynomial features i.e. interactions between two columns among all columns but I ...
wacax's user avatar
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Confusion about Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables - Working Example!

Problem Statement: I have problem making the Entity Embedding of Categorical Variable works for a simple dataset. I have followed the original github, or paper, or other blogposts[1,2,or this 3], or ...
TwinPenguins's user avatar
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What is the advantage of using RNN with fixed timestep length over Neural Network?

More often than not, I see RNNs being used with fixed length timesteps. So what is the difference between the following two networks? RNN with timestep length of 3 over sequence Xt. NN with inputs x(...
ozgur's user avatar
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How to benefit Data augmentation when it yields to different classes

I'm trying to classify rooftop sky images orientations, whether it is horizontal or vertical. Knowing that the most obvious feature here is known: orientation. I can simply augment each class by ...
bacloud14's user avatar
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Metrics values are equal while training and testing a model

I'm working on a neural network model with python using Keras with TensorFlow backend. Dataset contains two sequences with a result which can be 1 or 0 and positives to negatives ratio in dataset is 1 ...
Amir_P's user avatar
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Customer Targeting for CRM Marketing Campaign [closed]

I need help or ideas to solve the below business challenge. Sample questions has been provided. A snapshot of the sample data has been attached below:
spv92's user avatar
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Can accuracy become worse on the training set with more epochs?

I know that overfitting occurs when the accuracy on the training set improves but the accuracy on the validation set decrease. So, we must stop the training. I would like to know if this is a rule ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Are there any good solutions for putting a radial basis kernel support vector machine into production?

Are there any good options for a radial basis kernel SVM where I can serialize the model to store and later deserialize and evaluate? I'm using ...
Jordan Bentley's user avatar
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How to calculate prediction error in a LSTM keras

I have an LSTM which I have constructed and run in keras using python. I use this model to predict $n$ points into the future for a time series forecasting problem. When I use a method such as ...
Aesir's user avatar
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How to handle date data for Knn?

I'm working on a project about predicting kickstarter project success(classification) and my dataset has many columns that could be used as features such as : state_changed_at, launched_at, ...
dungeon's user avatar
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Defining Input Shape for Time Series using LSTM in Keras

I have been trying to model Time Series forecast using Keras LSTM algorithm. My dataset consists of weekly sales data from Jan-2016 and I also have external features such as Festivals/Events each ...
user3262234's user avatar

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