How about [this answer here][1]? In the accepted answer the procedure is described in detail along with an explanation on how to interpret the final result. **Edit:** The main idea is to try and catch the period of the signal by performing a convolution of the function with itself, as the convolution features peaks at each multiple of the period (see also [this page][2]). The accepted answer is taking the data, rounding them (though it is not necessary), subtracting the mean value in order to avoid a peak of the Fourier transform and then apply the self convolution. Then one needs to adjust the plot in order to clearly see periodicity. ``` import numpy as np import scipy.signal from matplotlib import pyplot as plt L = np.array([2.762, 2.762, 1.508, 2.758, 2.765, 2.765, 2.761, 1.507, 2.757, 2.757, 2.764, 2.764, 1.512, 2.76, 2.766, 2.766, 2.763, 1.51, 2.759, 2.759, 2.765, 2.765, 1.514, 2.761, 2.758, 2.758, 2.764, 1.513, 2.76, 2.76, 2.757, 2.757, 1.508, 2.763, 2.759, 2.759, 2.766, 1.517, 4.012]) L = np.round(L, 1) # Remove DC component L -= np.mean(L) # Window signal #L *= fft = np.fft.rfft(L, norm="ortho") def abs2(x): return x.real**2 + x.imag**2 selfconvol=np.fft.irfft(abs2(fft), norm="ortho") selfconvol=selfconvol/selfconvol[0] # This figure does not look right as its size is not a multiple of the period plt.figure() plt.plot(selfconvol) plt.savefig('first.jpg') # let's get a max, assuming a least 4 periods... multipleofperiod=np.argmax(selfconvol[1:len(L)//4]) Ltrunk=L[0:(len(L)//multipleofperiod)*multipleofperiod] fft = np.fft.rfft(Ltrunk, norm="ortho") selfconvol=np.fft.irfft(abs2(fft), norm="ortho") selfconvol=selfconvol/selfconvol[0] plt.figure() plt.plot(selfconvol) plt.savefig('second.jpg') ``` (Code copied and pasted from the answer linked -- I have tried and look after all the issues with my version of Python, 3.10.8) [1]: [2]: