I've found two different approaches online when using the Elbow Method to determine the optimal number of clusters for K-Means. One approach is to use the following code: distortions_2.append(sum(np.min(cdist(data, kmeanModel.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'), axis = 1)) / data.shape[0]) ![enter image description here][1] Another is to use inertia_ from sklearn.cluster.KMeans: distortions_3.append(kmeanModel.inertia_) ![enter image description here][2] When I plot the results (using the same random states) both give different results but I'm not sure what the differences are, can anyone help? **Edit:** If I replace the normalisation factor / data.shape[0] with squared **2 as suggested below, then I still don't get the same as for the inertia plot: distortions_2.append(sum(np.min(cdist(data, kmeanModel.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'), axis = 1)) ** 2) Using squared just makes the plot a little smoother, but definitely not the same as using intertia_, I'm just not quite sure how inertia_ is calculated and what it means. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/6vG2P.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/kGvjo.png