I am tuning a regression gradient boosting-based model to determine the appropriate hyperparameters using 4-folds cross validation. More specifically, I am using XGBoost and lightGBM for the models and Bayesian optimization algorithm for the hyperparameters search (hyperopt)
One of the hyperparameter which is being tuned in the number of estimators used for each model. For the 1st round of testing, I starting with number of estimators in the range of 100-300. The outcome from hyperparameters optimization algorithm was that the best number of estimators is 100.I repeated the same analysis where the range of number of estimators was modified to 50-300, this time the outcome from hyperparameters optimization algorithm was that the best number of estimators is 50. I repeated the same analysis for the 3rd time setting the range of possible number of estimators to 2-300 (Just to check the extreme case) this time the outcome from hyperparameters optimization algorithm was that the best number of estimators is 2. The same outcome was noticed both for the XGBoost and lightGBM models.
What does this say about my model and data? Does this mean that the best model is Random forest instead of gradient boosting? is it smart 'force' the number of estimators by fixing the hyperparameter value (e.g., 150) and tuning all other parameters?
The training dataset has > 0.5M Samples where ~ 90% of the data is zero and the rest is mix of positive and negative values. Should I consider using a different object function rather than MSE?
The range of the tuned parameters for LightGBM are:
'max_depth': 5 ==> 15
'colsample_bytree': .6==> .9
'subsample':.5 ==> .8
'reg_alpha': np.log(1e-4) ==> np.log(1e-1)
'reg_lambda': np.log(1e-4) ==> np.log(1e-1)
'n_estimators': 1 ==> 300
'num_leaves': 10 ==> 150, 2
'min_child_samples': 20 ==> 800
'subsample_for_bin': 20000 ==> 300000
'subsample_freq': 1 ==> 20
The range of the tuned parameters for XGBoost are:
'colsample_bytree',.6 ==> .9
'max_depth', 4 ==> 9
'n_estimators', 1 ==> 300
'reg_alpha', np.log(1e-4) ==> np.log(1e-2)
'subsample',.5 ==> .8
'gamma', 0 ==> 4