[![table view of the file in TAD csv viewer][1]][1] ## What I'm trying to do I wanted to use the [CORD19 word embeddings csv][2] to map them to certain findings from the rest of the dataset, but as we can see there are no stings in the first column. The way I know word or sentence embeddings, is what they map a word or a sentence to multiple vectors. The values in the first column look somewhat like hashes, and they are the main problem I can't use the dataset. Can somebody give me a pointer on what I'm looking at and how to use them? I have not found documentation, usage examples or submissions on kaggle that have explained or outlined how this file is supposed to be used. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/nAYB4.png [2]: https://www.kaggle.com/allen-institute-for-ai/CORD-19-research-challenge?select=cord_19_embeddings_2020-07-16.csv