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A convolutional neural network is a form of neural network with an additional convolutional layer, typically used in image & audio analysis. The convolutional layer is essentially a filtering stage defined by the kernel which is used. For example, a convolutional layer could have a kernel which extracts edges from an image towards the goal of learning which objects are in a scene.

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Python train convolutional on numerical values shape issue

I want to train a convolutional neural network autoencoder on a csv file which contains values pixel neighborhood position of an original image of 1024x1024. When I try to train it, I have the followi …
user979974's user avatar
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1 answer

Python dataset normalization for convolutional autoencoder

I have a csv files which contain pixel neighboorhood information. Here an example of the dataset: 0 0 1.875223e+01 1 0 1.875223e+01 2 0 2.637685e+01 3 0 2.637685e+01 4 0 2.637685e+01 5 0 2.637685e+01 …
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