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2 votes

Automate naming of scanned documents

It is indeed possible by NLP. You can try 2 approaches: Try unsupervised topic modelling. Since you have annoted 10000 documents ,use them to evaluate your models and choose best performing one . ...
amol goel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to automate Jupyter notebook runs?

You might want to have a look at papermill, which is made to parameterize and execute notebooks. You can either run noteboos from a python script or use the command line interface I hope this helps. ...
Broele's user avatar
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Automation of finding a starting point of measurement in a large dataset

Well ... I would do exactly what you did. The derivative on original signal is very noisy. I would probably take derivative out of moving-averaged smoothed signal, however it brings some delay into ...
Kasra Manshaei's user avatar
1 vote

Data Science Pipelines vs Common CD/CL

TData science pipelines are designed to manage the end-to-end data lifecycle (e.g., clean data, fit model, and serve model). CI/CD pipelines are more general purpose software engineering tools around ...
Brian Spiering's user avatar
1 vote

Auto-scheduling with Machine Learning

I want to build a data synchronization scheduler which keeps track of the amount of data sync after every scheduled triggers and auto-adjusts the next schedule. This doesn't immediately strike me as ...
Dan Scally's user avatar
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Automated bug finder through machine learning?

Is a difficult task for a machine learning method. I would think that there are methods proper to software development that are much more appropiated for the task. With machine learning, I could ...
Juan Esteban de la Calle's user avatar
1 vote

Tool for test/train automation

Maybe it is a bit too much just for this use case, but I have good experience with airflow. It is an Apache project and quite helpful to automate some stuff. Otherwise there are a lot of commercial ...
Christoph Haene's user avatar
1 vote

Are there any frameworks available that allow for automated large scale supervised machine learning?

There's a couple of tools that already do this. The ones that I'm familiar with are: IBM Watson Analytics Datarobot Both of those frameworks will handle what you're looking for. Of course, they're ...
I_Play_With_Data's user avatar
1 vote

Are there any frameworks available that allow for automated large scale supervised machine learning?

I think, Rapidminer can be used for that. However, the free version can only load 10,000 rows of data.
aqua's user avatar
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