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2 votes

The accuracy of a random forest algorithm is nearly 1, how do I solve this problem? (with updates)

To answer your questions: increasing the max depth of a Random Forest algorithm may increase complexity. Even though your 91% accuracy for the code you listed is test accuracy, this still could mean ...
user167433's user avatar
1 vote

The accuracy of a random forest algorithm is nearly 1, how do I solve this problem? (with updates)

I guess the question is whether this is too good to be true, and if so what could be leading to it. Domain knowledge is the first suggestion: if you know others have modeled this or similar problems, ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
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SVC labels entire sample majority class, even after using ADASYN

To answer your first question, you could try different resampling techniques (random oversampling, SMOTE-ENN, etc.) to see if that would help. Though this may not be the answer you want to hear, SVM ...
user167433's user avatar
1 vote

Machine Learning Binary Classification Model on a Small Tabular Imbalanced Dataset - Improving Performance

I don't think PCA will be particularly helpful in your case since you only have 10 features, unless your one-hot encoding is creating hundreds of additional features or the 10 features themselves are ...
Mohit Burkule's user avatar

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