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Where should I learn pytorch from?

I don't know whether this is the right place for your question (maybe Cross Validated would be better), but to answer your question, there are many good books that you can get online, or for free, ...
user167433's user avatar
1 vote

Improving the performance of gradient boosting classifier

A little bit late, but you could try to do hyperparameter tuning on your gradient boosting classifier. For example, random search would be an efficient and effective choice (RandomizedSearchCV from ...
user167433's user avatar
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How to Classify Blueberries as "Crunchy", "Juicy" or "Soft" using Acoustic Signal Processing and Machine Learning?

You could try doing semi-supervised learning. This is a machine learning technique that uses a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. In particular, you could attempt to ...
user167433's user avatar
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Analyzing Range of Features for Classification

You are essentially trying to find the decision boundaries for the 5 outcomes of your ML model. Lets say you have n features, the boundaries will be n-dimensional polygons. As the amount of features ...
Arthur VP's user avatar

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