238 votes

Train/Test/Validation Set Splitting in Sklearn

You could just use sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split twice. First to split to train, test and then split train again into validation and train. Something ...
hh32's user avatar
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144 votes

How to draw Deep learning network architecture diagrams?

I recently found this online tool that produces publication-ready NN-architecture schematics. It is called NN-SVG and made by Alex Lenail. You can easily export these to use in, say, LaTeX for ...
Pablo Rivas's user avatar
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99 votes

Cross-entropy loss explanation

The cross entropy formula takes in two distributions, $p(x)$, the true distribution, and $q(x)$, the estimated distribution, defined over the discrete variable $x$ and is given by $$H(p,q) = -\sum_{\...
Neil Slater's user avatar
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92 votes

How do you visualize neural network architectures?

I recently created a tool for drawing NN architectures and exporting SVG, called NN-SVG
Alex Lenail's user avatar
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90 votes

How to draw Deep learning network architecture diagrams?

I wrote some latex code to draw Deep networks for one of my reports. You can find it here: https://github.com/HarisIqbal88/PlotNeuralNet With this, you can draw networks like these:
Haris Iqbal's user avatar
87 votes

What is the difference between Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent?

For a quick simple explanation: In both gradient descent (GD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD), you update a set of parameters in an iterative manner to minimize an error function. While in GD, ...
Sociopath's user avatar
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81 votes

Train/Test/Validation Set Splitting in Sklearn

There is a great answer to this question over on SO that uses numpy and pandas. The command (see the answer for the discussion): ...
0_0's user avatar
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79 votes

In softmax classifier, why use exp function to do normalization?

It is more than just numerical. A quick reminder of the softmax: $$ P(y=j | x) = \frac{e^{x_j}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{x_k}} $$ Where $x$ is an input vector with length equal to the number of classes $K$. ...
vega's user avatar
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79 votes

When should I use Gini Impurity as opposed to Information Gain (Entropy)?

Gini impurity and Information Gain Entropy are pretty much the same. And people do use the values interchangeably. Below are the formulae of both: $\textit{Gini}: \mathit{Gini}(E) = 1 - \sum_{j=1}^{c}...
Dawny33's user avatar
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77 votes

In supervised learning, why is it bad to have correlated features?

Correlated features in general don't improve models (although it depends on the specifics of the problem like the number of variables and the degree of correlation), but they affect specific models in ...
Ami Tavory's user avatar
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73 votes

What does Logits in machine learning mean?

Logits interpreted to be the unnormalised (or not-yet normalised) predictions (or outputs) of a model. These can give results, but we don't normally stop with logits, because interpreting their raw ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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73 votes

Why mini batch size is better than one single "batch" with all training data?

The key advantage of using minibatch as opposed to the full dataset goes back to the fundamental idea of stochastic gradient descent1. In batch gradient descent, you compute the gradient over the ...
horaceT's user avatar
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73 votes

Why do cost functions use the square error?

Your loss function would not work because it incentivizes setting $\theta_1$ to any finite value and $\theta_0$ to $-\infty$. Let's call $r(x,y)=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m {h_\theta\left(x^{(i)}\right)} ...
Harsh's user avatar
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70 votes

Should we apply normalization to test data as well?

Yes you need to apply normalisation to test data, if your algorithm works with or needs normalised training data*. That is because your model works on the representation given by its input vectors. ...
Neil Slater's user avatar
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67 votes

GBM vs XGBOOST? Key differences?

Quote from the author of xgboost: Both xgboost and gbm follows the principle of gradient boosting. There are however, the difference in modeling details. ...
Icyblade's user avatar
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66 votes

When is precision more important over recall?

For rare cancer data modeling, anything that doesn't account for false-negatives is a crime. Recall is a better measure than precision. For YouTube recommendations, false-negatives is less of a ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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65 votes

What does from_logits=True do in SparseCategoricalcrossEntropy loss function?

The from_logits=True attribute inform the loss function that the output values generated by the model are not normalized, a.k.a. logits. In other words, the softmax ...
today's user avatar
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65 votes

Data scientist vs machine learning engineer

Good question. Actually there is a lot of confusion on this subject, mainly because both are quite new jobs. But if we focus on the semantics, the real meaning of the jobs become clear. Beforehand is ...
Vincenzo Lavorini's user avatar
64 votes

How to get accuracy, F1, precision and recall, for a keras model?

Metrics have been removed from Keras core. You need to calculate them manually. They removed them on 2.0 version. Those metrics are all global metrics, but Keras works in batches. As a result, it ...
Tasos's user avatar
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59 votes

What is the advantage of keeping batch size a power of 2?

This is a problem of alignment of the virtual processors (VP) onto the physical processors (PP) of the GPU. Since the number of PP is often a power of 2, using a number of VP different from a power of ...
jcm69's user avatar
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59 votes

Adding Features To Time Series Model LSTM

For RNNs (e.g., LSTMs and GRUs), the layer input is a list of timesteps, and each timestep is a feature tensor. That means that you could have a input tensor like this (in Pythonic notation): ...
Adam Sypniewski's user avatar
58 votes

What is the Q function and what is the V function in reinforcement learning?

$V^\pi(s)$ is the "state" value function of an MDP (Markov Decision Process). It's the expected return starting from state $s$ following policy $\pi$: $$V^\pi(s) = E_{\pi} \{G_t \vert s_t = ...
aerin's user avatar
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58 votes

Why are Machine Learning models called black boxes?

The black box thing has nothing to do with the level of expertise of the audience (as long as the audience is human), but with the explainability of the function modelled by the machine learning ...
noe's user avatar
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57 votes

How to set batch_size, steps_per epoch, and validation steps?

batch_size determines the number of samples in each mini batch. Its maximum is the number of all samples, which makes gradient descent accurate, the loss will decrease towards the minimum if the ...
Silpion's user avatar
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57 votes

Why is ReLU used as an activation function?

In mathematics (linear algebra) a function is considered linear whenever a function$f: A \rightarrow B$ if for every $x$ and $y$ in the domain $A$ has the following property: $f(x) + f(y) = f(x+y)$. ...
Tophat's user avatar
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57 votes

How to interpret the output of XGBoost importance?

From your question, I'm assuming that you're using xgboost to fit boosted trees for binary classification. The importance matrix is actually a data.table object with the first column listing the names ...
Sandeep S. Sandhu's user avatar
53 votes

The difference between `Dense` and `TimeDistributedDense` of `Keras`

Let's say you have time-series data with $N$ rows and $700$ columns which you want to feed to a SimpleRNN(200, return_sequence=True) layer in Keras. Before you feed ...
Rizky Luthfianto's user avatar
52 votes

Why do we need XGBoost and Random Forest?

It's easier to start with your second question and then go to the first. Bagging Random Forest is a bagging algorithm. It reduces variance. Say that you have very unreliable models, such as ...
Ricardo Cruz's user avatar
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52 votes

How do you visualize neural network architectures?

Tensorflow, Keras, MXNet, PyTorch If the neural network is given as a Tensorflow graph, then you can visualize this graph with TensorBoard. Here is how the MNIST CNN looks like: You can add names / ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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50 votes

Why should the data be shuffled for machine learning tasks

Based on What should we do when a question posted on DataScience is a duplicate of a question posted on CrossValidated?, I am reposting my answer to the same question asked on CrossValidated (https://...
Josh's user avatar
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