7 votes

Calculate confidence score of a neural network prediction

One way to estimate the level of confidence we have about an ANN prediction is to use dropout perturbations. The idea was proposed in this paper: Dropout as a Bayesian Approximation. Representing ...
Leevo's user avatar
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5 votes

How to predict multiple images from folder in python

You are looping on a folder to predict each image - ...
10xAI's user avatar
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3 votes

XGboost Classifier predicits different results for same samples depending on test dataset size

So the mistake was to use the DMatrix datatype while using categorical data in the dataset. I split the data and then stored it in a DMatrix with ...
akonr's user avatar
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2 votes

Python sklearn model.predict() gives me different results depending on the amount of data

If XGBoostClassifier is fed the same input data over and over again it will yield the same results. There is no inherent randomness in this classifier that would different results for the same input. ...
Oliver Foster's user avatar
1 vote

How do I use ML models to estimate current stress level based on past data?

Yes, both these scenarios are different. Estimating Current Stress level - Your target variable here is stress level and features are heart rate and blood pressure. In order to estimate current ...
Kriti's user avatar
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How to predict probability of an event when we have a month to month data?

You can first create new features, if you believe they might have something to do with the occurrence of events - such as day of the week, weekend/work day, season, month. After you have created the ...
Nemo_the_scientist's user avatar
1 vote

How can I choose num of epochs and batch size?

Epoch One epoch leads to underfitting of the curve in the graph (below). Increasing number of epochs helps to increase number of times the weight are changed in the neural network and the curve goes ...
Archana David's user avatar
1 vote

The sum of multi-class prediction is not 1 using tensorflow and keras?

To get the summation in the last layer to be one, you need to use Softmax activation not Sigmoid. Often Sigmoid is used in a special case when there is a binary classification problem.
Jaswin's user avatar
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Issue with predict generator keras

I solved the problem following the advices in the comments of this discussion. I paste here my code: ...
Agostino Dorano's user avatar
1 vote

Implementation explanation for predict_proba in RandomForestClassifier- sklearn

It's explaining how the predict_proba works. If at the lowest level of the tree, you have 80 samples of class 1 and 20 samples of class 0 in a leaf. then the class probability of 1 is 80 / ( total ...
Blenz's user avatar
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(Not a programming question) Is there a common word to indicate predict or forecast

I am not sure if I agree with the first one, since predict is widely used to replace forecast as well. But other related verbs we often hear are: To estimate To infer / make an inference
Henrique Nader's user avatar
1 vote

How do I predict a set of frequently bought items?

The simplest way is to build a matrix representing how often two items are bough together: $M[i,j]$ is the count of how many times items $i$ and $j$ are bought together (note that you need to fill ...
Erwan's user avatar
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How to model predict on Tensorflow model that has feature columns?

You can find prediction examples in the next tutorial: Classify structured data using Keras Preprocessing Layers. The list of tutorials in the series is in the bottom left part: Specifically, the ...
noe's user avatar
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Unable to make accurate predictions?

It's a quite complex problem and there might be better options for the design (I'm thinking maybe something more specific to times series)... However before that there's a more obvious problem to ...
Erwan's user avatar
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