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38 votes

Why does adding a dropout layer improve deep/machine learning performance, given that dropout suppresses some neurons from the model?

The function of dropout is to increase the robustness of the model and also to remove any simple dependencies between the neurons. Neurons are only removed for a single pass forward and backward ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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29 votes

L1 & L2 Regularization in Light GBM

First, note that in logistic regression, using both an L1 and an L2 penalty is common enough to have its own name: ElasticNet. (Perhaps see .) So ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
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25 votes

When should one use L1, L2 regularization instead of dropout layer, given that both serve same purpose of reducing overfitting?

I am unsure there will be a formal way to show which is best in which situations - simply trying out different combinations is likely best! It is worth noting that Dropout actually does a little bit ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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12 votes

Dropout vs weight decay

These techniques are not mutually exclusive; combining dropout with weight decay has become pretty standard for deep learning. However, where weight decay applies a linear penalty, dropout can cause ...
Ben's user avatar
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12 votes

Regularization in simple math explained

The function you have described is a loss function. It is the function which we want to minimize in order to train our model. The loss function is called ordinary least squares. We can also see that ...
JahKnows's user avatar
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10 votes

difference in l1 and l2 regularization

That is generally not true, to be more accurate we can say that L1 promotes sparsity. if a weight is larger than 1 then L2 cares more about it than L1 while if a weight is less than 1 then L1 cares ...
A Kareem's user avatar
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9 votes

Why using L1 regularization over L2?

Basically, we add a regularization term in order to prevent the coefficients to fit so perfectly to overfit. The difference between L1 and L2 is L1 is the sum of weights and L2 is just the sum of the ...
Bathini Pranay kumar's user avatar
8 votes

Regularization practice with ANNs

activity_regularizer are used to control the output of a neural network. They tend to make the output smaller. Suppose the loss function is give as : ...
enterML's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does dropout ruin my accuracy in CNN?

As your network is working without dropout, I think your problem is about how many epoches you run. In your code, it seems that only one epoch will be run. With dropout enabled, each neuron has 50% ...
Icyblade's user avatar
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7 votes

Understanding XG Boost Training (Multi class classification)

What can I understand/interpret from the training & test loss graph? This checking out the quality of the model. If the train and test set loss decreasing according to the number of epoch in the ...
fuwiak's user avatar
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6 votes

What's the best way to tune the regularization parameter in neural nets

Wikipedia lists some well-known approaches to hyper-parameter searches. The brute-force scan/search, or a grid search across multiple parameters, is still a very common and workable approach. As is ...
Neil Slater's user avatar
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6 votes

Can ridge regression be used for feature selection?

Unlike lasso, ridge does not have zeroing coefficients as a goal, and you shouldn't expect applying ridge penalty to have this effect. So the answer to your title question is "no." However, in your ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
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6 votes

On simple 1D dataset, LogisticRegressionCV selects terrible hyperparameters, resulting scores are nonsensical

First I did a visualization of what your code is doing (see code at the bottom) The model seems completely fine. The coefficient of the linear regression is close to 0, where it should be given how ...
Carlos Mougan's user avatar
6 votes

Should you turn off label smoothing when validating?

The way most people gain an initial understanding of label smoothing (and what most common explanations have to say on the subject) plays a great role in how one would approach this question. At first ...
Vlad_Z's user avatar
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6 votes

How to handle Overfitting

This is a very general question, however, there are many different solutions as explained below. For your case, probably, item 2 is not the case because you can not gather a large number of data ...
nimar's user avatar
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5 votes

Using L1 penalty in XGBoost

L2 and L1 regularization are controlled via the lambda (=reg_lambda) and alpha (=reg_alpha) parameter respectively. Higher ...
oW_'s user avatar
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5 votes

When should one use L1, L2 regularization instead of dropout layer, given that both serve same purpose of reducing overfitting?

It seems deciding between L2 and Dropout is a "guess and check" type of thing, unfortunately. Both are used to make the network more "robust" and reduce overfitting by preventing ...
ACB_prgm's user avatar
5 votes

Light GBM Regressor, L1 & L2 Regularization and Feature Importances

With regularization, LightGBM "shrinks" features which are not "helpful". So it is in fact normal, that feature importance is quite different with/without ...
Peter's user avatar
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5 votes

L1 & L2 Regularization in Light GBM

In this medium post, you can find a concise and very clear explanation regarding these parameters Gabriel Tseng, Author of ...
Joshua1990's user avatar
5 votes

Why use regularization instead of decreasing the model

Regularization does decrease the capacity of the model in some sense, but as you already guessed, different capacity reductions result in models of different quality and are not interchangeable. L1 ...
leonard's user avatar
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5 votes

Understanding XG Boost Training (Multi class classification)

Assuming your x axis is nrounds(Or ntrees) parameter, XGB is an ensemble of many many trees built on top of one another. Your XAxis indicates how many trees have been used. Consider 2 points at x = ...
Narahari B M's user avatar
5 votes

When I add regularization like L1,L2 , do I need more epochs to properly train my model?

The convergence time is sensitive to the data you have and a random seed. Specifically, the convergence time is linear in expectation in all three cases. ...
kate-melnykova's user avatar
5 votes

Visualizing effect of regularization for linear regression problem

Your understanding of regularization is completely correct, it just seems that the value for alpha you are using is too low for this example to have any meaningful impact. Increasing the value for ...
Oxbowerce's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I implement some data constraints on a neural network?

You can impose monotonicity constrains in Tensorflow/Keras models with library Tensorflow-Lattice. I suggest you have a look at their Shape Constraints to understand how to apply it to your case, ...
noe's user avatar
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4 votes

Is LASSO regression implemented in Statsmodels?

The question-asker resorted to scikit-learn until now, but statsmodels has just come out with its implementation of Lasso regression. The docs here are pretty self-explanatory and concise.
Coolio2654's user avatar
4 votes

Which regularizer to use to get a sparse set of regression parameters?

The most common sparse regularizer is sum of absolute values (so-called Lasso regression). With carefully chosen penalty coefficient, it makes some of less useful parameters exactly zero. Cardinality ...
David Dale's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does adding a dropout layer improve deep/machine learning performance, given that dropout suppresses some neurons from the model?

Another way of looking at what dropout does is that it is like a slab-and-spike prior for the coefficient for a covariate (that is some complex interaction term of the original covariates with some ...
Björn's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does Lasso behave "erratically" when the number of features is greater than the number of training instances?

When p > n, the LASSO model can only sustain up to n variables (this can be proven using linear algebra, the rank of the data matrix in particular), leaving at least p - n variables out (some that ...
aranglol's user avatar
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4 votes

Light GBM Regressor, L1 & L2 Regularization and Feature Importances

Here's a link to a good answer for the follow up question of "should you use both L1 and L2 regularization terms?" Summarized briefly here: These lightGBM L1 and L2 regularization ...
Kevin2342's user avatar
4 votes

If my model is overfitting the training dataset, does adding noise to training dataset help regularizing the machine learning model

No, adding noise will not help to regularise the model. This won't help your model generalise better to unseen inputs. It will probably just make your model perform generally worse. Any modifications ...
Dee Carter's user avatar
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