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tehem's user avatar
tehem's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3 votes

How to insert two features in a model when a feature only applies to a certain group in the model

3 votes

Does "feature importance" depend on the model type?

1 vote

Vectorize One line text data

1 vote

Data prediction using scikit-learn and a list

1 vote

how to handle different categorical values in train and test dataset?

1 vote

How To Motivate A Neural Network

1 vote

Problem of continuous training - Supervised learning

1 vote

What is the best way to calculate score based on input features?

1 vote

From analysing their previos transactions how can I predict for what type of product is the customer more likely to take take an EMI

0 votes

How to predict unknown unknowns in machine learning

0 votes

Neural network is not giving the expected output after training in Python

0 votes

Predicting Customer Activity Absence

0 votes

Human activity recognition using smartphone data set problem

0 votes

How can I use my own dataset for Image segmentation using Tensorflow

0 votes

Which algorithm to use for transactional data

0 votes

How to remove background (watermark) logo from image

0 votes

Is it possible to classify documents of corpus using labels?

0 votes

Riskscore creation on Numerical Data

0 votes

How would I classify this variable?

0 votes

Identify "steady-state" time series window

0 votes

Dimensionality reduction without select components

-1 votes

Is NLP suitable for my legal contract parsing problem?