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brewmaster321's user avatar
brewmaster321's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Europe
7 votes

What size language model can you train on a GPU with x GB of memory?

4 votes

Is using GPT-4 to label data advisable?

4 votes

How can I relatively compare these box plots?

2 votes

Logistic regression and non-linear relationship

2 votes

Multi-channel convolution in Tensorflow

2 votes

How to correct ValueError about incompatible dimensions of training data set in locallyconnected1D layer NN

2 votes

Input to reshape is a tensor with 4096 values, but the requested shape requires a multiple of 6400. (Having problem with shapes)

2 votes

How to compute edge and node bottleneck coefficients in a weighted directed graph using networkx?

2 votes

What's the fastest clustering package in Python?

2 votes

Train CNN weights by using FFT - Reinforcement Learning?

2 votes

torch cuda not able to identify gpu on aws g4dn.xlarge

2 votes

Why would multiple activation layers be used in a row?

2 votes

Clustering words with similar meanings

2 votes

CS 224N Back Propagation and Margin Loss in Neural Networks

2 votes

Residuals magnitude is larger than Seasonality magnitude after performing seasonal decomposition

2 votes

Annotated Transformer - Why x + DropOut(Sublayer(LayerNorm(x)))?

2 votes

In order to predict after training on Standardized data, do I need the StandardScaler as well?

1 vote

What languages llama2 supports?

1 vote

Find closest color class to an RGB value

1 vote

Min-Max Scaling more sensitive to outliers than 'Simple Feature Scaling'?

1 vote

Does Google DeepMind's Gemma 7B models specs have inconsistent dimensions?

1 vote

I build my first neural network! What's next?

1 vote

Supported GPU for Pytorch

1 vote

Data Science book with exercices

1 vote

How can I scale my data for a machine learning model in a way that preserves the relationship between columns?

1 vote

GMM expectation maximization ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2700,1) into shape (2700,)

1 vote

Does a confusion matrix make sense for extraction tasks?

1 vote

ValueError: X has 54 features, but DecisionTreeClassifier is expecting 53 features as input

1 vote

Is this considered a good visualization of clustered data?

1 vote

How to use location information as feature?