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Leland McInnes's user avatar
Leland McInnes
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Why does OPTICS use the core-distance as a minimum for the reachability distance?

4 votes

Can you l2 normalize word2vec vectors for density clustering?

4 votes

Auto-Encoder to condense (pre-process) large one-hot input vectors?

3 votes

Reusing UMAP transformation

2 votes

How to run hdbscan clustering faster?

2 votes

When projecting data with UMAP, should I use only the samples I need projected or the entire dataset?

2 votes

Do Clustering algorithms need feature scaling in the pre-processing stage?

2 votes

What are 2D dimensionality reduction algorithms good for?

1 vote

Dimension reduction for logical arrays

1 vote

Alternative methods for improved clustering separation?

0 votes

HDBSCAN Outlier Detection and labeling

0 votes

How to reduce position changes after dimensionality reduction?

0 votes

Measuring coherence score for Top2Vec models