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FrancoSwiss's user avatar
FrancoSwiss's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
19 votes

Is feature engineering still useful when using XGBoost?

7 votes

Should I oversample my validation data to get better F1 score and PRC?

6 votes

How to impute Missing values not the usual way?

5 votes

Why class weight is outperforming oversampling?

4 votes

What would I prefer - an over-fitted model or a less accurate model?

4 votes

Ways to simulate weather data over several periods (Python or R)?

4 votes

Handling outliers and Null values in Decision tree

3 votes

Coursera's course "How to Win a Data Science Competition"

2 votes

Automatically Remove highly correlated features using Variance Inflation Factor?

2 votes

Accuracy of the model

2 votes

Why is my test data accuracy higher than my training data?

2 votes

Model biased towards low frequency data?

2 votes

How many trees does a Random Forest need?

2 votes

Fastest way to relearn machine/deep learning

1 vote

Machine Learning methods for finding outliers

1 vote

How can one generate future forecasts from probabilistic events?

1 vote

Best way to combine two similar document

1 vote

Connect Tableau and KoBoToolbox

1 vote

Feature Engineering

1 vote

Installing skmca python package

1 vote

Event prediction sequence

1 vote

Dealing with a dataset with a mix of continuous and categorical variables

1 vote

How to match a user with another user based on their taste?

1 vote

Bad classification performance of logistic regression on imbalanced data in testing as compared to training

1 vote

In a binary classification, should the test dataset be balanced?

1 vote

Can Precision-Recall be improved for imbalanced sample?

1 vote

About 1M rows of data. Should I restrict myself to few columns as well?

1 vote

why One-Hot Encoder can avoid the situation that the model will misunderstand the data to be in some kind of order if the data has been Label Encoding

1 vote

Elements of Statistical Learning - question on p. 18

1 vote

A doubt about the GridSearchCV function in Sklearn?