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pythinker's user avatar
pythinker's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

which deep learning text classifier is good for health data

4 votes

Advantages of Recurrent Neural Networks over basic Artificial Neural Networks

4 votes

Inverse Relationship Between Precision and Recall

4 votes

Categorical vs continuous feature selection/engineering

3 votes

How can I improve the accuracy of my confusion matrix to 100%?

3 votes

Why use two LSTM layers one after another?

3 votes

Zero Mean and Unit Variance

2 votes

Mixture Density Network: determine the parameters of each Gaussian component

2 votes

Why did Logistic regression perform better than svm?

2 votes

Standardise AND Normalise

2 votes

is it possible determine a best neural network classifier by considering only accuracy

2 votes

Machine Learning/Text Analysis/Algorithm Pointers

1 vote

It seem that the textbook "Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective" uses input and output in a opposite way, is it?

1 vote

Having averaged trials which are less than the number of features

1 vote

loss/val_loss are decreasing but accuracies are the same in LSTM!

1 vote

How to auto tag texts

1 vote

Difference between train, test split before preprocessing and after preprocessing

1 vote

logistic regression : highly sensitive model

1 vote

Choosing k value in KNN classifier?

1 vote

Looking for other opinions on approach to classification problem

1 vote

What are the criteria for updating bias values in back propagation?

1 vote

How to cluster text-based software requirements

1 vote

Interpreting coefficients after transforming Y (dependent) variable

1 vote

How to give importance to recent data in a large dataset

1 vote

HMMLearn Predict Next Observed Event

1 vote

How do Bayesian methods in machine learning help with the problem of limited data? Can this be used for image classification?

1 vote

How each layer of a neural net is responsible for one feature

1 vote

How can I compare classes from clusterings performed on two different data sets?

1 vote

Feature extraction in time series data as input variables for machine learning algorithms

1 vote

How to check if audio samples have only noise or are silent?