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Vladislav Gladkikh's user avatar
Vladislav Gladkikh's user avatar
Vladislav Gladkikh
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
27 votes

What is the exact definition of VC dimension?

3 votes

Why does least squares linear regression perform so bad when switching from 2D to 3D line?

2 votes

Difference between Jordan, Elman and normal RNN

2 votes

Metric to punish positive errors

2 votes

Why Self-Organizing Map (SOM) units are called neurons?

2 votes

How to feed tuples of multiple features to the input layer of a Neural Network

2 votes

Mathematical algorithms to generate labels for training data

2 votes

About neural network called "Self Organizing Maps"

1 vote

Neural Network Self-organizing maps

1 vote

Class Imbalance Problem

1 vote

How to estimate the variance of regressors in scikit-learn?

1 vote

B.Tech Project for final year of College

1 vote

Training binary classifier on only one data point ( Theoritical question)

1 vote

Predicting parameters of simple configured trajectories using RNN

1 vote

Predicting parameters of simple configured trajectories using RNN

1 vote

How to find the weights for weighted least squares regression?

1 vote

Decision tree Why is Gini index only used for binary choices?

1 vote

Formal conditions on mappings that can NOT be learned from data

1 vote

Are feature importances of ensemble methods sensible interpretable?

1 vote

Machine learning algorithms for tabular dataset

1 vote

clustering customer base purchase behavior

1 vote

How does batch normalization make a model less sensitive to hyperparameter tuning?

1 vote

Plot a matrix as a single point in space

1 vote

Random Forest vs. RainForest

1 vote

Which line need to consider when try to separate two class given a feature set in SVM

0 votes

How to do an incremental update for the mean and standard deviation of tensor data?

0 votes

AdaGrad: Intuition

0 votes

Differentiate between two set of points

0 votes

memory bound for kernel tricks in machine learning

0 votes

Can a neural network compute $y = x^2$?