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  • Polar bear country
17 votes

How can I provide an answer to Neural Network skeptics?

11 votes

FP16, FP32 - what is it all about? or is it just Bitsize for Float-Values (Python)

8 votes

How to convert my tensorflow model to pytorch model?

6 votes

human level performance on ImageNet, top-1 or top-5?

5 votes

Is it better to use a MinMax or a Log Return normalization to predict stock price movements?

4 votes

TF-IDF Features vs Embedding Layer

3 votes

Activation in convolution layer

3 votes

How to use Automated Labelling for documents?

2 votes

Object tracking in 2 consequent frame

2 votes

Are there any learner-specific optimizers?

2 votes

Coefficient of determination is close to 1 but the value of RMSE is large. What does it mean?

2 votes

Gaussian distribution in python without using libraries

2 votes

Why do we need XGBoost and Random Forest?

2 votes

Can a random forest learn time series correlations?

2 votes

getting error while scrapping Amazon using Selenium and bs4

2 votes

Purpose of validation data NN

1 vote

Bidirectional GRU: validation loss stuck on plateau diverges from well performing training loss

1 vote

Pearson correlation coefficient - is correlation estimator acceptable?

1 vote

CNN or Viola-Jones for facial detection

1 vote

Netflow anomaly detection python packages

1 vote

Why the results from Matlab curve fitting function differ when using custom equation?

1 vote

Linear Regression in python with multiple outputs

1 vote

Optimizing Expensive Functions

1 vote

K-fold crossvalidation: how do MSE average and variance vary with K?

1 vote

Accumulators in Spark (PySpark) without global variables?

1 vote

Regex-style pattern-matching for time series

1 vote

error trying to build a histogram using r with the rStudio application

1 vote

How to get the formulas used by seasonal_decompose for Trend and Seasonality

1 vote

Determining the correlations between aggregated data and non aggregated data

1 vote

Feeding 3 consecutive video frames to a CNN to track a tennis ball