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serali's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

Which combination of 3 hyperparameters to combat overfitting of a convolutional neural network?

1 vote

Improving Validation Loss and Accuracy for CNN

1 vote

How do I download a Google Colab notebook?

1 vote

Replace nan with sequence of values

1 vote

Difference in result in every run of Neural network?

1 vote

Can you explain how these precision, recall and purity are calculated in this context?

1 vote

Why does stochastic gradient descent lead us to a minimum at all?

1 vote

Does gradient descent always find global minimum for specific regression type?

1 vote

Robustness vs Generalization

1 vote

Number of parameters in CNN

1 vote

How can I model this problem to train a Machine learning model

1 vote

How does TensorFlow handle multiple samples?

0 votes

How can I get the type of fitting in this curve?

0 votes

How do I feed my keras model in batches?

0 votes

Working of Dense Layer

0 votes

Cleaning rows of special characters and creating dataframe columns

0 votes

Visualize 2D data in a completely filled square 2D grid, along two ordered axes

0 votes

Tune learning rate while tuning other HP

0 votes

Which algorithm to use to classify plots based on graphical features?

0 votes

Pre trained dataset for Car damage detection

0 votes

predict a binary vector of size 40

0 votes

What (linear) model is common practice to use on sample size of 500 with 26 features?

0 votes

after overcoming the overfitting, how to increase training accuracy?

0 votes

Can a CNN have a different number of convolutional layers and kernel and what does it mean?

0 votes

Suggestion on Preprocessing dataset

0 votes

CNN: visualize a model using its description

0 votes

How do I deal with unbalance classes in a stock market prediction problem?

0 votes

Numpy array vs Pandas DataFrame when training

0 votes

How does Gradient Descent work?

0 votes

Understanding Lagrangian equation for SVM