Tinu's user avatar
Tinu's user avatar
Tinu's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Zürich, Switzerland
4 votes

How to slice an input in keras?

1 vote

What's the Seminal Book on data science?

1 vote

Clusterize Spectrum

1 vote

Extremely stochastic validation loss/accuracy

0 votes

Poisson distribution, Standard deviation, fitting line

0 votes

Autoencoder feature extraction plateau

1 vote

Should I keep common stop-words when preprocessing for word embedding?

0 votes

Is it possible to compress a sequence of numbers through an autoencoder?

1 vote

Tensorflow, how many layers does this model have?

1 vote

Is it accurate to say that "K-means clustering the vectors based on keywords weight similarity"?

2 votes

Classification model accuracy with ensemble methods

2 votes

How to create ROC - AUC curves for multi class text classification problem in Python

0 votes

How do I select the "best" unsupervised machine learning algorithm to cluster my specific dataset?

3 votes

Is GNU Octave a perfect place to code neural networks

1 vote

How to feed key-value features (aggregated data) to LSTM?

2 votes

Loss Function - Decreasing a lot at beginning of the epoch

2 votes

Handling categorical missing values ML

2 votes

While downsampling training data should we also downsample the validation data or retain validation split as it is?

0 votes

Predict Data Linking

1 vote

What is the formula and log base for idf?

1 vote

What is wrong with a neural network model which is so dependent on the seed of initialization?

0 votes

How to improve a CNN without changing the architecture?

2 votes

Why leaky relu is not so common in real practice?

1 vote

How to interpret PCA rankings in Weka