Hi to all. I am a retired program manager, I worked for Motorola's government sector for about 35 years than 5 more with General Dynamics since they bought the Motorola sector. I managed major defense contracts with multiple government agencies like NSA, US Navy, US Air Force etc. I started my career as an electrical engineer but I also had a very strong background in software development. I loved doing technology but over the years transitioned from a senior systems engineer to management. Loved that as well but always missed the hands on technical implementation. Well now that I am retired (age 75) I have the time to go back to technology so about 2 years ago I began to study AI. I do not learn as fast as I used to but I do still learn reasonably well. I have learned a reasonable skill level in python and have developed many models primarily related to image processing. I have also aggregated several data sets for subjects I was interested in like Autism in children. I built a data set with 1500 facial images of children with Autism and 1500 facial images of children without Autism. The model I built to detect if a child has Autism based on just a facial image had a test set accuracy of 94 % on 500 test images. I hope to improve the data set and the model more so as to achieve at least 97% at which point I want to make the model available on a website where a parent could submit an image and get back a prediction.