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nimar's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

For imbalanced classification, should the validation dataset be balanced?

6 votes

How to handle Overfitting

3 votes

Finding optimal threshold in multi-class classification task

3 votes

Can setting of different thresholds help in model performance in case of handling class imbalances?

3 votes

Which other algorithms fit residuals like XGBoost?

3 votes

Boosted tree regression loss function when data has occasionally very large values to predict?

2 votes

Categorical and non-categorical data in the same column

2 votes

Continuous VS Categorical variable

2 votes

How to prevent neural network from overfitting on small subset of features

2 votes

Random Forest vs Neural Networks

2 votes

How should I choose n_features in FeatureHasher in sklearn?

1 vote

Why are RNNs used in some computer vision problems?

1 vote

Understanding Loss function and Learning Algorithm

1 vote

Linear regression with non-symmetric cost function?

1 vote

Linear Regression in Python using gradient descent

1 vote

Multivariate Linear Regression with exponential trend-line

1 vote

What causes the Shape (convex or non-convex) of the cost function?

1 vote

Convolutional Neural Network overfitting

1 vote

XGBoost Objective is Changed

1 vote

Determine how each feature contribute to XGBoost Classification

1 vote

Linear regression: variables with high P-value

1 vote

How to get date columns in pandas?

0 votes

Which loss function is the best loss function when using XGB regression with highly skewed dataset?

0 votes

Evaluating Model Accuracy on a testing data set for a DecisionTreeReegressor Model

0 votes

How to implement a YOLO model using TensorFlow?

0 votes

Need help understanding data leakage

0 votes

Error when trying to run RandomForestClassifer with Pipieline and GridSearch

0 votes

ML: Classification Model Comparison

0 votes

why does performance of machine learning models plateau after certain amount of training data

0 votes

Regression error increase after shuffing data