I have a classification task using grayscale images and I want to leverage from pretrained networks.
There are a lot of resources out there presenting how to fine tune large neural nets like resnet, alexnet, etc for our custom task (usually with less data). However, I stumble on the problem that I want to use Resnet learned features on data which is not RGB (3 channels). In fact, I'm using grayscale images. I thought about using an "embedder" as a first layer before resnet which can transform my height x width x 1
image to a 224 x 224 x 3
resnet like input.
I wanted to know if there are works presenting this as an working approach (I couldn't get the right terminology to search for it). If so, is there a generic code to do so ?
class NeuralNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,n_output):
repr_size = 1024
self.embedder = # The magic convolution code here that transform a 1 channel input to a 224 * 224 * 3 output
self.backbone = resnet50
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
# nn.Softmax(),