If you become a Kaggle Grand Master, it should increase your job prospects, but does it guarantee a job at a FANG company for instance is a question of interest.
1 Answer
In [1] Kaggle published top competition performers and [2] is a dataset of the Top 100 competitors. Using this information and more, this list includes the top 10 institutions hiring the best Kagglers.
1- Nvidia. 2- Microsoft. 3- Kaggle. 4- Amazon. 5- Layer6 AI. 6- Samsung Electronics. 7- Upwork. 8- IBM. 9- Toyota. 10-Google.
However, while these companies hired from the top Kagglers, combined they hired no more than 5% of the top Kagglers.
[1] https://www.kaggle.com/rankings?group=competitions
[2] https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/vivovinco/kaggle-competitions-top-100