The approach below fits to a rotated parabola.
I estimate the coefficients $A, B, C$ by first removing the rotation (rotate $-\theta$). Then I plug in the coefficients of a regular parabola, and finally rotate the result back.
I give curve_fit()
both the $x$ and $y$ coordinates (your code only supplies $x$ to the model).
The model function rotated_parabola()
does the following:
- Assume $x, y$ are in rotated space. Undo the rotation on $x$ by applying $-\theta$ to $x$.
- Now it's a regular parabola, where we estimate $A, B, C$.
- Rotate the estimated $y$ back to the original orientation by applying $\theta$.
Reproducible example
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Synthesise test data
# It's a parabola defined by A, B, C, which is then rotated by THETA
THETA = 45 * np.pi/180
A, B, C = (1, 1, 3)
#Generate the parabola defined by A, B, C
data_x_parab = np.linspace(-2, 1, num=25)
data_y_parab = A * data_x_parab**2 + B * data_x_parab + C
#Rotate the parabola by THETA
data_xy = (data_x, data_y) = (
(np.cos(THETA), -np.sin(THETA)),
(np.sin(THETA), np.cos(THETA))
@ np.row_stack([data_x_parab, data_y_parab])
def rotated_parabola(xy, theta, a, b, c):
x, y = xy
#First, apply -theta to reverse the rotation
x_parabola = x * np.cos(-theta) - y * np.sin(-theta)
# Parabola equation is now valid
# Fit the parameters (a, b, c) of the parabola
y_parabola = a * x_parabola**2 + b * x_parabola + c
# Rotate the fitted point back into the original space
y_fit = x_parabola * np.sin(theta) + y_parabola * np.cos(theta)
return y_fit
popt, pcov = curve_fit(rotated_parabola, data_xy, data_y)
'Data parameters:', THETA * 180/np.pi, A, B, C, '\n'
'Fitted parameters:', round(popt[0] * 180/np.pi), *popt[1:].round(1)
# Plot data
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4), layout='tight')
ax.scatter(data_x_parab, data_y_parab, marker='s', s=12, alpha=0.1, color='black', label='parabola')
ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, marker='s', s=12, color='black', label='rotated parabola')
#Plot the fitted curve
y_fitted = rotated_parabola(data_xy, *popt)
ax.plot(data_x, y_fitted, color='tab:orange', linestyle='-', linewidth=7, alpha=0.3, label='fit')
ax.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False)
ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Fitting a rotated curve using curve_fit()');