In decision trees, one impact of increasing the maximum number of splits is that it can lead to overfitting on the training data set because effectively we are increasing the flexibility of the algorithm to memorize the train set. A decrease in the CV accuracy is understandable in this case.
Since it is a common issue with any ml parameter, the go-to option is to search over a set of options and pick the one that gives the best CV score. On the other hand for Decision trees there are more sophisticated methods that fall largely either in the "top-down" vs "bottom-up" category.
A top down approach would be to keep increasing the max num of splits (holding everything else constant) until you see a drop in CV score.
A Bottom up approach is to grow a full tree first, and then prune/coalesce/average leaves to reduce the variance of the predictions.
one reference for these two options(page 9): [][1]