I have installed TensorFlow on Linux (Anaconda) by following the documentation which states that one should create and activate a virtual environment tensorflow
. So far, so good (albeit it is not entirely clear why is this virtual environment is necessary when I want to incorporate TF to my existing env).
But when I activate the tensorflow environment I observe that several packages are unavailable in the new environment while available outside the environment at the same time:
$source activate tensorflow
>>>import h5py
... No module named h5py
$source deactivate tensorflow
>>>import h5py
No problem in this case.
I guessed that I should install the missing package in the tensorflow environment as well, but when I try to, I get informed that the package in question has already been installed and nothing happens:
$source activate tensorflow
$pip install h5py
Requirement already statisfied ....
The same inconsistency occurs with several other packages. What is the problem here?