I have a data with only 8 columns:
- id
- created_time
- employee_id
- rank position
- hourly price
- num_work_completed
- work_category
- hired
Hired is the target variable with 1 representing hired and 0 representing not hired, and it is imbalanced with 5.7% hired(1) which makes the baseline accuracy 94.3% I am trying to build model that predict whether a employee will be hired. After I finished the EDA, feature engineering(dealing with NAs, encoding categorical variables, normalizing numeric variables), I used 80/20 as the splitting rule and built random forest with rank_position,hourly_price, num_work_completed, work_category_dummy
However the model's accuracy(Test accuracy) turned out to be 93% while the baseline is 94.3%.
The training accuracy is 99%. Compared to test accuracy 94.3%, I don't think there's a over-fitting problem
The logistic regression also has the same problem.
Based on correlation blot, most independent variables have pretty weak relationship with target variable smaller than +/- 0.3.
what should I do next to improve my model accuracy?
I tried parameter tuning but it doesn't help a lot.