When using K-Fold CV, is it still useful to have a Train/Validation/Test split?
Or simply just a Train/Test? I.e. split up data into k bins, and leave one out for testing, train on the rest, and take average of the scores.
It depends. If you're evaluating your model's performance without tuning hyperparameters, then a train/test split is sufficient.
If you're tuning hyperparameters, then you need a validation set. Within each fold, you'll train on the training set (of course), using the validation set to tune hyperparameters. Then you'll evaluate performance on the test set.
Very open ended and context dependent, but generally:
You are already have a test set, and actually a "new" one in every CV-fold.
Do your model experimentations with CV, when you are done train on the whole dataset at once.