There's a popular solution to the CartPole game using Keras and Deep Q-Learning:
But there's a line of code that's confusing, this same question has been asked in the same article and many people are confused but there's no a complete answer.
They are basically creating a main network but also a target network to try to approximate the Q function.
In this part of the code they are replaying from the buffer to train the target network:
# Sample minibatch from the memory
minibatch = random.sample(self.memory, batch_size)
# Extract informations from each memory
for state, action, reward, next_state, done in minibatch:
# if done, make our target reward
target = reward
if not done:
# predict the future discounted reward
target = reward + self.gamma * \
# make the agent to approximately map
# the current state to future discounted reward
# We'll call that target_f
target_f = self.model.predict(state)
target_f[0][action] = target
# Train the Neural Net with the state and target_f, target_f, epochs=1, verbose=0)
What I can't understand is this line:
target_f[0][action] = target
In terms of code, the predict
function is returning a numpy array of arrays, like this one for example:
[[-0.2635497 0.03837822]]
Writing target_f[0]
to access the first predicted action is understandable, but why are they using the [action]
Thank you very much for the help!