I want to build a model that classifies 473 classes -product categories-, but I'm facing a problem with loss not decreasing.
I have almost 3,000 data points for each class -473 classes- (data size is almost 1.5 million)
The data is a sequence of 5 words [iPhone, Pro, Max, 0, 0]
and of course they're numbered [345, 344, 123, 0, 0]
Input: [iPhone, Pro, Max, 0, 0]
Output: iPhone
Input: [Go, Pro, Camera, New, 0]
Output: GoPro
Input: [LG, TV, 50, Inches, Used]
Output: LG_TV
Input: [Apple, Watch, 42, mm, 0]
Output: Apple_Watch
Epoch: 1, Loss: 5.607430, Val Loss: 5.538741
Epoch: 2, Loss: 5.493465, Val Loss: 5.516405
Epoch: 3, Loss: 5.487641, Val Loss: 5.513667
Epoch: 4, Loss: 5.474956, Val Loss: 5.508683
Epoch: 5, Loss: 5.472722, Val Loss: 5.508304
Epoch: 6, Loss: 5.472691, Val Loss: 5.510557
Epoch: 7, Loss: 5.472782, Val Loss: 5.508627
Epoch: 8, Loss: 5.472320, Val Loss: 5.533378
Epoch: 9, Loss: 5.472340, Val Loss: 5.520573
I've tried to train it for 50 epochs, but the loss still not decreasing.
I'm using PyTorch
(embedding): Embedding(15278, 200)
(lstm): LSTM(200, 256, num_layers=2, batch_first=True, dropout=0.5)
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.3, inplace=False)
(dense): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=473, bias=True)
The loss function is: CrossEntropyLoss
Batch size: 512
Embedding Dim: 200
Vocabualry size: 15,278
LSTM Layers: 2
Hidden Dims: 256
Optimizer: Adam
Learning rate: 0.002
Can you please direct me to the problem? Is the model weak? Or is it the data having a problem?