My situation is as follows:
- I have a rather cheap laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 running on it that unfortunately is not powerful enough (old, cheap GPU) to train deep learning models with. I am located in city A.
- My father (located in city B) has two computers (with powerful GPUs) with Windows 10 Professional running on both of them that I could theoretically use at nighttime. I can connect to the network via VPN and have SSH root access to both machines.
I am now looking for a Keras setup that allows me to train neural networks from my local machine making use of the remote GPUs. Ideally, I would have a Jupyter notebook with all the logic running on my conputer and could somehow connect to a thin client (probably exposing some interface to CNTK) running on the remote machines. I'd prefer to keep the Windows machines as dumb as possible and would ideally only make use of their GPUs (with some local caching of course). Also, I would prefer to stick with Windows on the remote machines not having to set up some dual-boot with a Linux distro. Enabling the Linux subsystem would be fine though.
Any thoughts on how to tackle my problem?